Updates for Ecowitt

I keep getting a notice that says I have updates available from the Package Manager.

I run the update and select the Ecowitt update.

I get this message...

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade driver https://www.drdsnell.com/projects/hubitat/drivers/WeatherSensorChild.groovy. Be sure the package is not in use with devices.

I see this in the log.

Is this something I'm doing wrong?

run a repair on HPM


Thank you! It worked it looks like and nice to know it was that simple!


Well at least it looked fixed. Back to saying it needs an update and it fails as before. Not a big deal right now...but annoying. Thanks for trying!

Do a match then do a fix

I did just release updates to the driver (posted in the project thread) so it should have said there were updates available, but I do not know why HPM would give errors otherwise (do not use it myself, just publish some of my drivers there due to requests and have been doing it the same way since not long after it came out). I would recommend @rlithgow1's advice.

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Thanks. I did a match and a repair before running the update yesterday. It seemed to work. Rebooted this morning for another reason and it came back and said it needed an update. Just did an update and it failed. Will try manual and maybe this will go away :smiling_face: