[Updated] Super Tile - Icons have arrived! :)

I haven't Geoff
None of my beta testers reported anything either
What to you have the refresh set to in the supertile child app?

I've left it at the standard 3 hours as I thought the attributes it needs would update automatically as they do for the standard tiles. Should I change that?

Previously, the original tiles were on a different dashboard page to the supertile, but I've just moved them all to the same page so that I can check it's not a page refresh issue.

You are correct.
It should just update automatically.
BUT.. just set it to 1 minute for a while to test if this makes a difference.

Can you also enable the logging on the childapp and the device so we can see what is going on?

I'm just running a test with the logs on now. Ive left the update at 3 hours for now.

This is the initial screenshot showing just after it has started showing the original tiles above the supertile showing the same attributes but power value different.

These are the logs for that period.

it looks like the switches updated but the power consumption is not and is showing 0
Can you check the super tile display device please?
Is the power showing the correct level there or not?

Is does update ok there is just a bit of a lag. It's now showing the same as the original tile (below). I have seen the switch attribute lag behind the original too. I'll see if I can catch it if it does it when it stops.

what is the power device?

Aeotec smart switch

So the dishwasher has finished and the power and active switch are now out of sync. Has been for a few minutes. Screenshot and log below

So.. these entries

Show that the app knows what's going on.

Can you show me a screenshot of the device page
Does that show the correct values?

These are the device variables. I dont have a screenshot at the time of the out of sync error unfortunately. It (EDIT I mean the dashboard) did update to the correct values 5 minutes later.

I felt this was what was happening to me yesterday, and I did a complete uninstall, including the drivers/apps. Seems to have fixed it for me. The values were a little delayed, but would often catch up.

It shouldn't take 5 mins to update a switch
I'm testing now and it's taking about a second.. (refresh set to 3 hours)
I'm looking at the code now

This is how it's working for me...

Yesterday I was testing door sensors for beeps when opening and I noticed one took about 1.5 minutes to update. That has been the only time I've noticed a lag so far. My other dashboard that has the standard tiles was showing the correct values but a refresh of my SuperTiles dashboard still didn't show the correct state.

I'm looking into this now guys..
(It's taking a while to find the issue)]

In the meantime, if you set the app refresh rate to 1 minute, it should speed things up a bit

I like the dishwasher tiles, how did you tie it into hubitat?

The dishwasher is powered via an energy monitoring socket (Aeotec smart socket). I have 2 virtual switches for dishwasher active and dishwasher needs emptying. In Rule machine I monitor the power use of the dishwasher and when it goes over 10w it switches on the active switch. Then when it goes below 1w again it turns off the active switch and switches on the needs emptying switch.


I've noticed the same today. I've just put a humidity sensor in the bathroom and I was looking at the dashboard to understand the maximum humidity that could be reached when taking shower: difference with main home sensor was still around 10% while Alexa spoken with a Hubitat Rule that it's set at 15% difference. Opening the device, humidity was higher than in SuperTile dashboard, that wasn't updated for at least 1 or 2 minutes.