Update Failed, Please Try Again on brand new hub

I could take it to work and try again, if I donā€™t resolve it here at home.

Could just be network congestion and it might work in the morning. Have to rule out the variables. The hub shows up and responds so it is functional.

Both of you guys could be right - I did create a NAT rule to redirect all NTP requests to pfsense, but it still failed for a few minutes. Then I tried again and now the update got applied! So it could be congestion suddenly clearing up or the NTP redirect was the trick, and I just had to wait a bit for the Hubitat (I forgot to power cycle it).

PfSense is a pain to set up particularly for VPN stuff. Maybe one day Iā€™ll try a Ubiquity EdgeRouterā€¦

Reference for the rule I added - this example is for DNS - I changed it to use NTP:

Oh and thanks for the help guys! :slight_smile:


So did it finally download?

I switched to a unifi USG after playing with an edgeRouter. Essentially they are very similar, but I liked hot the USG tied into all the rest of my Unifi stuff.

Yup, it downloaded, did the update, and registered the location and other info. Now I just have to pair devices. :slight_smile:

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Glad we could helpā€¦ And that it wasnā€™t the entire west side of Canada that couldnā€™t use Hubitat :slight_smile:

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Hehe - fingers crossed. Iā€™ll look into USG - I hope it has good VPN support - I couldnā€™t get that working in pfsense.

It has much different vpn configs. Takes some work, but its well documented. EdgeRouter is even more command line driven.

Pfsense isnā€™t bad, its just an enterprise grade firewall that takes a lot of configuring to get right. I used it for about 7 years before switching. Mainly because the hardware was outdated, and after their moves to lock out 3rd party hardware, I decided if I had to buy something, Iā€™d try the Unifi stuff.

I will say I spent 10x more time troubleshooting stuff in pfsense vs things just working on the USG.

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I can happily rule that out anyway, Iā€™m in Vancouver BC, on Shaw. Havenā€™t had an issue with updates or initial setup. I also donā€™t run crazy nonsense between my router and the cable modem, so ymmv.


I'm in Vancouver, Washington!

Well how was that for support !
Well done guys, another happy customer .

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Works for Shaw customers in Albertaā€¦