Update Failed, Please Try Again on brand new hub

When I try to register my new hub, it shows up in the portal page, but when I click “Register Hub”, it opens the local web page on the hub, then it gives me an " Update failed, please try again" error message. I briefly see a “Downloading 1%” on the page before it fails.

The hub is unusable - it doesn’t even tell me what firmware it is running!

I've power cycled it 4 times already - same result.

You should send an email to support@hubitat.com

Yup, did that. This hub seems to be in a “looking for setup” loop. I guess I won’t get an answer until Monday. Too bad, was going to set up some devices. :frowning:

It's not running any firmware at this point, first thing a brand new hub does is download the latest firmware,
Where are you located approximately?

Ah. I was wondering why it was blank. I am still getting the “Update failed” error. Sometimes the Download progress makes it past 1%, but then it fails.

I am in Canada.

Ok, and what sort of internet connection?

Cable modem, through Shaw Cable. My cable modem is in bridging mode, and am using PfSense as my router. I am not using a VPN.

I go to the portal.hubitat.com site, and it ‘sees’ my hub. I wonder if the hubitat update server is down or something?

Maybe, maybe not we're not exactly a 40 hour shop right now lol

Oh yes - if I go to :8081 (without /setup at the end), it asks me to select a firmware, but there is nothing in the list, just the Submit button heh.

Verified update server is working as expected.

Do you have any problems downloading other large files? Any significant packet loss?

Do youtube video’s stream without buffering? Just trying to get a frame of reference.

Are you on a mac or pc? Are you familiar with traceroute or tracert?

Reason I’m asking is I just did 2 updates, both downloaded very quickly. However, if your ISP or any hop inbetween our AWS servers are having issues, this would explain what you are seeing.

What are the results from http://www.speedtest.net/ ?

No problems streaming youtube. I just started a download from nvidia.com - videocard driver coming down at 800 KBytes/sec (a little slower than usual).

PfSense firewall state shows the hubitat attempting a connection on port 443 of one of the servers I assume:

LAN tcp -> FIN_WAIT_2:FIN_WAIT_2 13 / 13 2 KiB / 6 KiB

You a just a tease..
As soon as I saw this I had to see if an update was available :blush:

“Be still my aching heart”


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So if you tracert to what are the results?

See you are running pfsense, do you have any QOS or traffic shaping enabled for new devices or specific VLANs or groups?

Just rolled back and updated to latest available… Sorry to get you too excited… Soon…

Also, a cool website to test your speed to all of Amazon services is this: Amazon Web Services Network Test | CloudHarmony

Takes awhile to run all the tests.

No VLANs or groups, but I am running CODELQ traffic shaper to manage bufferbloat.

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms pfsense.localdomain []
2 12 ms 11 ms 10 ms
3 11 ms 15 ms 10 ms rc3no-tge0-11-0-32-1.cg.shawcable.net []
4 26 ms 33 ms 30 ms rc2wt-be100.wa.shawcable.net []
5 46 ms 48 ms 49 ms rc1wt-be60.wa.shawcable.net []
6 47 ms 57 ms 50 ms rc3sj-be60.cl.shawcable.net []
7 46 ms 46 ms 46 ms equinix01-sfo5.amazon.com []
8 48 ms 46 ms 48 ms
9 51 ms 58 ms 48 ms
10 46 ms 46 ms 45 ms
11 48 ms 48 ms 58 ms
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 48 ms 47 ms 57 ms

Trace complete.

Can you try and disable CODELQ shaper temporarily for the hub’s ip address and see if it will complete the download.

Speedtests would also fail so, curios the outcome of those.