Update available

I read that an update is available. 2.1.6

2 days ago...

Yet I'm still on 2.1.5.xxx

Why is that? Is there a way to force an update?

Thank you.

You have to go to the hub and update the hub. That way you choose when to update.

Just open a browser to http://Hub-ip then go to settings and check for updates

I must say that with all previous updates I got a notification on my hubs webpage in the right top corner. With the last update I didn't get that anymore. Don't know if that is by design?

That usually appears after the hub either does it's nightly backup to where it checks if updates are available or if you reboot your hub after an update is available. The hub itself doesn't check for updates being available (usually) but once per day or per reboots.


That is what got me ... was expecting a Upgrade available Alert, Top Right... nothing showed up.

OK, now. Thanks