I cannot get my Unifi Protect Controller device to access info from my Protect cameras. The problem is that I have vlans set up, #20 for my IOT device which includes Hubitat and #30 is for all the Unifi cameras. I have firewall rule that does not allow IOT devices access to gateways.
I need some info on how to make a firewall rule that will allow Hubitat only to access the correct vlan gateway so I can connect to Protect. I am not sure if I need to access the camera gateway or the main gateway that the Unifi equipment is on. I believe I need the main gateway because the Cameras are on a vlan but the Protect controller is on the UDM Pro on the main gateway #1.
I know enough about vlans and firewall rules to be dangerous and really screw up everything. I followed Youtube videos to set up everything up and pretty much understood what I was doing but this is a horse of a different color. When it comes to IP address and ports I get confused. Any help will be appreciated.