[Under New Management] iRobot Scheduler


Two things. First, it will only let me select one contact sensors instead of multiple. Second, I am getting this error when it tries to run:

I updated the GitHub. Forgot to change a false to true.

I have updated the app. Looks like it may be working correctly, but I will do some more testing. Seem to be having an issue with Presence detection. I disabled Presence, but it seems the app is still honoring it. I reset App states.

Will let you know how it goes.

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Hi Aaron,

I'm having install problems when I get to the enabling service steps.

I configured roomba.service as follows:

[Unit] Description=Roomba Service After=network.target
[Service] WorkingDirectory=/rest980 ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm start Restart=on-failure User=pi
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

My full directory path is /home/pi/rest980 (which I tried as well but that doesn't work either).

When I run
sudo systemctl enable roomba.service

I get:
Failed to enable unit: File roomba.service: Bad message

Any pointers? Probably missing something simple.

Your working directory is incorrect. Based on your configuration it should be /home/pi/rest980

I've tried that as well with the same results. Everything up to that step worked properly. Should I wipe and do a reinstall?

To be honest I have had issues with RPi and using the /home/pi root. I am not as savvy as I would like to be with linux. My setup uses Samba on all RPi's for ease of access and moving files.

I used this samba article: Samba: Set up a Raspberry Pi as a File Server for your local network — The MagPi magazine for setup and now I can access my code remotely through Visual Studio verses doing everything in nano or vi. If you follow the samba route you should have zero issues. I would just create a new directory /share/rest980 and then for the "Install Rest980" I would do that step all in the /share/rest980 directory you created. Then follow all the other steps and it should work without issues.

Hm. Still seeing the same results unfortunately, and I started from scratch, too. I suspect there's something else wrong on this PI. Going to try to out on a fresh one soon and we'll see what happens then.

I'd really love to make this work, but unfortunately i'm in the same boat as mikewoodld. I was successful up until I started the service.

Unfortunately I know nothing about Linux syntax, so I don't have much to offer in terms of a problem statement. I initially tried to install in the root directory without success. I saw above that it was advised to create a share folder. I did that, but I got the same result. (All i did was mkdir /share and cd share)

I'm using a Pi-Zero and followed the instructions here to install Node.JS Install Node.js On A Raspberry Pi Zero W Without NodeSource

Could this be the problem?


Do the samba portion of setting the chmod on the /share directory

Thanks for the tip - I still couldn't get it to work. I'm going to see if I can find a regular Pi to try it one. It may not like the Zero

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I'm a total noob and your app is my first attempt at a Raspberry Pi

I'm stuck at this part of the install

Rest980 Configuration (recommended to have two SSH windows open):

  • [SSH Window #1] Edit ../rest980/config/default.json

I keep getting the error Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/json"

any help here would be appreciated


edit spelling

Edit means use your preferred editor. RPi has nano as a default editor. Makes sure to have sudo in front of the nano.

Ok so I got to the next error

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! rest980@2.1.0 start: node ./bin/www
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the rest980@2.1.0 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2020-02-02T19_52_23_660Z-debug.log

anything you can help with would be much appreciated.

How did you install npm?

I don't know that I did. let me go run that down

Hi - been trying this out and so far so good, but I observed the behavior mentioned before about presence where it will start running when everyone leaves. Did this get addressed and I didn't see it?

To me it should respect the schedule, but only when no one is home - or at least it should be an option. I come and go a lot and it would be kind of silly for it to start when I pop off to the grocery store or something just to return to the dock when I get home. I suppose I could create another presence mode/sensor that waits till no one is home AND it hits my schedule that the scheduler could watch, but that's kind of a hassle..

It does respect the schedule and starts after a certain number of minutes. What are you experiencing?

I'm not actually sure what its doing with the schedule - it seems to just start going whenever I leave (regardless of the time), but the schedule is definitely set, and the roomba itself doesn't have a schedule stored in it using its own software.

It also doesn't seem like its going home at the set battery percentage - though I'm still working out the things the roomba can't drive over and gets stuck on.... :stuck_out_tongue:

Aaron, thanks for all of your work on this. It looks like dorita980 now supports specifying a room to clean for i7/S9 models [ cleanRoom(args)]. I wonder if it would be possible to add the ability to specify a room to clean via your hubitat implementaiton?