Under and over kitchen counter lighting

I'm working on installing over and under kitchen counter lighting. In a previous home, I installed Phillips Hue and they worked fine but I was thinking there might be better (or at least cheaper) options. I want them very bright and ability to do colors - and of course work flawlessly with Hubitat :smile:
Any recommendations ?

I just came across the LIFX Lightstrip Color Zones - https://a.co/d/gh4SpEW
Does anyone have experience with these ?

Depends on the protocols you want to support - But I'm a fan of Matter over Wifi - So GE Cync fits the bill - See: CYNC revealยฎ HD+ Smart Undercabinet Fixtures (gelighting.com)

I have 4 of them in different sizes all working with HE over Matter, very fast, works well in a group of bulbs, and basically treated by HE driver as a Matter Generic RGB bulb.

All my previous under counter stuff was seperately hot wired to each previous fixture, so I ended up writing RM code to keep them sync'ed when a Cync strip is manually turned on/off (I really like that they had manual controls on them as well, for brightness, color, and on/off

If you're OK with Matter, they are worth a look. - YMMV

Semi DIY COB Led Strips could be a good choice.

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Wled and a bit of DIY. (Cheap) Perfection.