Subscriptions on web show both Hub Protect and Remote Admin active on new C-8.
Old C-8 — which I'm not using — has Remote Admin active but not Hub Protect.
Backup and Restore tab on new C-8 Hub shows only Add Hub Protect button. It's impossible to schedule a cloud backup.
"Reload Entitlements" does nothing.
I opened a ticket a couple of weeks ago via the web form. I realize there have been holidays and a new release (and a very nice one it is) since then. But @support_team is there any update on my ticket?
if you go to in your web browser you should see that hub protect is on the new hub... Once that is confirmed you go to settings>>backup and restore>>create and upload cloud backup..
If only that were true. But the problem is that in settings the only thing I can do is add hub protect — which I am already paying for. Yes at it shows as active.
I lets me pick the new hub as the destination and "transfer now" is active. I can push that button and it says that it transferred subscriptions to the new hub. But pushing "reload entitlements" does not change anything. Hub Protect still shows as not active on the new hub.
@bobbyD@support_team Please can I get an update on this? I'd really like to be able to make the cloud backups that I'm paying for and it's been three weeks. Thanks.
Please reboot the hub when you get a chance (or reload the entitlements once more). Looks like the transfer only worked partially. It should be fixed now.