Unable to update Inovelli Firmware - Device Firmware Updater (

I am trying to update my Inovelli devices again, and all fail... the process just hangs on "Requesting Device Start Firmware Transfer". Perhaps the Inovelli devices should be blocked from the tool. Of 20 Inovelli devices, only 2 have successfully updated using the Device Firmware Updater, and they had to be right next to the hub, and paired w/o s2 security. And then it is a crap shoot if it works.

I think if we know these devices fail to work with the hubitat updater, they should just be blocked from the updater until such a time as someone can work on the code to make it work. As a side-note, my Z-Stick, joined to the same z-wave network, and residing next to the HE hub almost never fails to update over the same z-wave network.

You mentioned using a Z-stick to update the FW by pairing the switch directly to the Z-stick, then in your recent post mentioned that the Z-stick is now on the same z-wave network as the hubitat and switch. Is it possible to update send the FW update to the switch from the Z-stick while they are both in the hubitat's network? I'm guessing no, that only the hub device is able to push the updates, but it doesn't hurt to ask...

yes. I have done it this way for a while now. I only remove the z-stick from the z-wave network when the device stops responding. Then I have to pair the switch directly to the z-stick to get the update to work. To really stretch things, I run the z-wave software for the z-stick on a Windows virtual machine running on a Mac. Works great, and is very reliable -- just not desired.

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In this case, today I was having issues recovering my Inovelli after the failed update from Hubitat. I had to pair the devices using S0 security for the update to work. S2 and unsecured both would hang on the update. I will play more but I wonder if something changed in the firmware that resulted in this odd behavior, as in the past I would only be able to update them is they were paired unsecured

Here is my z-stick updating my Laundry Light switch while paired to the Hubitat Z-Wave network.

For those interested, I am running this on an M1 MacBook Pro, running Windows 10 ARM in Parallels 17, running PC Controller for Intel. The current version os Windows 10 ARM insider edition has a built-in x86 emulator the runs 32bit Intel code natively inside the ARM instance of Widows, allowing me to run any Windows Intel application on my M1 powered system. And performance is great.

So, as you can see, the firmware update from a Z-Stick works great w/o having to remove the the device from the network just to update it.

Good to know! After you first said that it can be done while in the same network, I was placing an order from the smartest house's labor day sale, and added a zooz zwave usb stick to the order, so hopefully I'll be able to try it myself in a few days.

Last night, I moved my laptop to my bar, which is just the other side of the wall of the laundry light, and side yard light switches. They update extremely fast and had no issues. I did have to take my three switches that I tried updating using the HE tool off the HE network and pair directly to the z-stick to recover their corrupted state, but once heal they again they updated just fine while attached back to the he network. Since it is only the Inovelli users that seem to be complaining about this, I believe Inovelli does play a role in the problems, but knowing I can use my z-stick to get me out of troubles is nice. Just wish it would work from HE so that I could schedule updates of all my devices.

I am having trouble with trying to update the firmware of my Inovelli switches too. I have a C7 hub running When I tried the Z-Wave Firmware Updater driver it said it couldn't do it after it got to about 10%.

I then tried to use the Device Firmware Updater, I was able to uploaded the otz file, 1.61 but not the bin file, 1.45

I picked the right ones:

But it keeps on giving me this error:

So how do I update the bin file?

Also, for some reason, it is still showing the firmware version as 1.48.

But the Device Firmware Manager worked and I shows I'm now on 1.61.
Screen Shot 2021-11-24 at 2.20.34 PM

I see your discussion about Z-Wave sticks, but I know very little about them. I have a Mac that I run Parallels on, but it is the big 27" all-in-one Mac so I can't really move it around to be near all the switches. I do have 2 Mac laptops, but neither runs Windows and I don't want to install Parallels and Windows on either of them just for this.

Are there any Mac OS Z-Wave sticks?

No. Not yet. I have not tried crossover yet with the PC controller software either, though I may as I pay for a 2nd parallels subscription for my M1 Mac to run Windows 11 ARM edition, to run x86 compiled PC Controller for windows on my Mac. Works exceptionally well, but a bit pricey just to use to update my firmware on occasions.

I believe if memory serves correctly, press the configure button, and it will pull the firmware version. As per Inovelli, please allow a full 2 minutes after the update for the device to reboot and fully apply the update before using it.

So using the Z-Wave Firmware Updater driver I was able to push the 1.48 bin. With that that LED light bar stopped flashing red and went back to being blue.

I tried both the Refresh and Poll buttons in the device after letting it sit all night. I also pushed the Config button 3 times, which I believe is how to put it into config mode, but that didn't update what the firmware is reporting in the device's page in Hubitat as it was still showing 1.48.

I don't know what, if anything I did, but suddenly it is now reporting both the 0 and 1 targets correctly. Yippee!

Screen Shot 2021-11-25 at 10.58.25 AM

But, that said, I've seen a bunch of posts about Inovelli being very difficult to update their Firmware. And with about 30 some switches, this is no small matter.

I was referring to the configuration button in the driver, not the config button on the dimmer. If you are using the built-in driver, I cannot speak to weather it accurately can poll the data. If you are using the Inovelli driver, it will have a configure button that when pressed reports the version information after a second or two.

I am using the Inovelli driver. I realize many params are not set to anything, so that means they are set to the default, but that doesn’t tell us what the default is. This is particularly important for times I would like to try the different settings, but want to know what the default was so I can reset it. There are some, like a color setting, that doesn’t say what the default is, and there is is no ‘no setting’ so once set, it has to be set to something. So always having a ‘no setting’ (i.e. default) option, or being told what the default is would be particularly helpful, and seems extremely easy to implement.

BTW, what does your driver do that neither Hubitat’s nor Inovelli’s drivers do?

So I got the first one done, which is about the furtherest away (but was the first alphabetically, which is why I started with that one) and went to the 2nd listed device, which is also an Inovelli red dimmer, and is about 7 feet closer to the hub. I cannot get it to take the firmware by either trying to use the Z-Wave Firmware Updater ("ZFU") or the Device Firmware Manager ("DFM").

I see the LED flashing blue, and it gets about to 4% with the DFM and into the low 20% range with the ZFU before they each fail and the LED turns solid red.

I've tried them both about 4-5 times each with the same results. So:

  1. Any idea why they both start running but then fail?

  2. How do I get it back to 1.48 (which is what it had been on); and

  3. How can I possibly update it now and in the future? Is there anything to do except buy a cheap laptop an a PC controller? (BTW, I've looked at some of the screenshots using the PC Controller seems a bit intimidating to me)

As you can see, the Z-Wave Firmware updater does start running:

but then always fails:

Likewise, the Device Firmware Updater fails.

While I finally did get my switch working, I still don’t know what to do about upgrading the firmware as neither the Device Firmware Updater app nor the Z-Wave Firmware Updater “driver” method worked for me after many tries. The driver method typically got to the high teens or low 20 percent range before it failed. One time it got to the low 40% range. That took well over a 1/2 hour to get there. The Device Firmware Updater failed much faster.

The switch was at 9.6 Mbps, but was updated before and always worked with my rules. Now that I've re-included it, it is at 40 kbps. I have lots of Inovelli switches around it (including another one in the same 2 gang box) and even an Aeotec 7 extender (though it isnt routing through it)

I also looked into the PC Controller, Z-Wave stick method, but I don’t have a PC, just a Mac. And while I am running Parallels on it, I also read about the extra difficulties that entails. Plus, my Mac is a 27” all-in-one so I can’t just pick it up and bring it close to the switch. So I don’t know what I can possibly do to update my firmware. I am running 1.48 otz and 1.41 bin on my 20 something red dimmers.

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