Unable to setup new C-5 hub


Make sure IPv6 is disabled.

Turn back on a firewall.

Couple of tests to confirm your network connection is working properly.

Open a command prompt and type:

tracert cloud.hubitat.com

and look for any * in the hops, and note the hop count.

Do a check for MTU size, following these instructions:


Check your ping/jitter line connection here: Ping test - how good is your internet? | DSLReports, ISP Information

lastly, check your isp's connections to AWS here: Amazon Web Services Network Test | CloudHarmony

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verify that IPv6 is disabled while in command prompt (assuming windows)...

ipconfig /all

Any chance you also have an android phone? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.berkeley.icsi.netalyzr.android is a great network troubleshooting tool.

The trace route, looks fine, something in the middle doesn't appear to respond to pings, but that's nothing to worry about. It's resolving the names correctly as well.

This might sound strange, but unplug the C5 hub, do not unplug the ethernet cable. Wait 30 seconds. Plug it back in. Wait 3 minutes.

Verify the hub is available at ip:8081

unplug and repeat this process 3 times.

Then go to portal.hubitat.com and see if the hub shows up with the same ip address. Click on the register hub link. Does it go to the hub and start the install process at all?

Does it start the download?

Hi @patrick (et al). After several hours of AWESOME customer support effort from 3 staff at Hubitat, including them rousing a developer close to midnight to try to help.

We aren't sure why my hub wont connect. So Hubitat is sending me a new C5 for me to try, that will come pre-loaded with the software.

What I DID learn tonight, is that the support from Hubitat is AWESOME! This makes Hubitat a no-brainer to migrate to from Wink. I'm sure I'll have more bumps along the way as I migrate all of my stuff over, but after tonight I'm confident that whatever issues I face I will be able to resolve thanks to the community and, especially, the support staff.

For those of you coming over from WInk, if you have issues, don't hesitate to email support or post here. The support team have the patience of saints and will do everything they can to get your issue resolved.


UPDATE: We got my hub working, and I have fully transitioned over from Wink!

FIX: I was sent a new C5 Hub from Hubitat support, and shipped my original hub back. The new hub came per-configured with some of the software. Once I received my hub, I plugged it in and then sent the IP address to support. They configured some things on their end and had me run a simple script. Then it worked!

So if you run into the same issue, send an email to support@hubitat.com. Then connect with your support rep on the forums as it's much easier to chat with them via direct message here than over email.


My hub's been down now for days. Can't access web interface. :8081 will allow me to choose from 2 previous FW versions, but after it reboots, still cannot access anything.

Running a tracert gives me 15 hops, 5 of them have * * *. So what does that mean and how do I fix it?

Does your hub show up in portal?

What browser are you using and what device?

What internet provider and firewall / network are you using and how is the hub connected as well as the device you are trying to access it from?

Shows up in portal, but then when I click it, it says it cannot load

I've tried on Mac with Safari and Chrome as well as on an iPad

Comcast internet. Router is a Peplink Balance One Balance One > Peplink

Computer and Hub are both connected to the same TP-Link gigabit switch that is connected to the router.

I do also use a pi-hole for ad blocking, but i've disabled that along with all firewall protection and still no go on the hubitat. I've rebooted everything a couple of times (router, switches, cable modem, hub, computers, etc).

The hubitat is KIND OF running though. It is performing SOME automations, but not everything.

Can you find the ip address of the hub on the switch or router? If port 8081 is working and you can change versions, then you have the ip.

When it reboots does it show the loading screen at all on port 8080 or 80? Does adding https to the ip make a difference?

Yup. Regular IP does not work, but 8081 will let me access it and change versions. 3 show as available:
I've tried all 3, but once it reboots, its same--accessible on 8081, but not regular port.

HOLY CRAPPOLI! It loads on 8080!

So now what?

If it loads on 8080, you should be fine. You get the normal interface there? Do you have something on your network that would block port 80 from being requested? A firewall device or something?

Please open a ticket with support and include your hub Id.