Unable to remove Zwave device

So after I powered it back up I had:

I hit REFRESH and then got:

When I click REMOVE I get this in the log:

I may power cycle it again and see if I can get DISCOVER back and maybe if I plug it back in and put it in pairing mode and hit DISCOVER maybe it will pair back up. Hopefully I don't get 2 ghosts doing that. Can't get to that until tomorrow however.

If "Discover" works you should not get an additional entry, just the current entry coudl fill in/complete.

I assume you haven't reset your device, and if it can re-join it should join w/the same info.

The device indicated it was successfully removed. All LEDs blinked and per the manual that is what it should do.

So the devices internal Z-Wave info was probably cleared in that case. I don't think "Discover" will find it.

You could try doing a Replace from the Z-Wave Details page, if you can get that option to appear by the Refresh and Remove options for the device in the Z-Wave table by hitting "Refresh" (likely take repeated tries). If the switch is powered up and in join mode, hitting Replace should allow it to re-join your hub and replace the device/info that the current entry has. Might work...

Actually it looks like that's not going to be an option to try and get it to DISCOVER. I plugged that strip back in and the leds are flickering and the strip is making a buzzing sound so it sounds like it totally freaked out during the removal process.

I've hit Refresh about 50 times I think but nothing changes. Why must Zwave be so difficult?

That doesn't sound good at all...also seems like buzzing would not be related to a Z-Wave exclude, sounds more like the HW may be having issues. I'd try resetting the LED strip and see if that helps.

On the hub side, when fighting with Z-Wave, I always do a shut down/wait a minute/power back up step at each session to at least start w/a clean Z-Wave radio boot.

You can primarily thank SilLabs for their series 700 FW and related rules of engagement. [sigh]

Well I did just power it down earlier per @rlithgow1 but it still comes back to the same thing. Everything is working okay maybe I just ignore it for the time being?

Solved... broke out the Zwave stick and found the directions and gave that a shot.... BINGO it's gone now. RIP


Cool...glad it's resolved.

Now, to avoid future issues w/Z-Wave:

  1. Remove all Z-Wave devices from your home

You're welcome. :wink:

Funny thing I live in a condo on the beach. I went with lots of Zwave to get the devices away from 2.4Ghz WiFi since Zigbee works there too. Did it cuz I can see so many routers from my condo. Oh well… most of my new stuff is Zigbee unless I can’t find one to do the job.

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z-wave is fine. It's the ghosts that get ya... I've been lobbying for a couple of years to put in a warning during pairing that if there is a failed pairing, STOP, check for the ghost and remove it before proceeding.


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