Unable to remove PIN requirement for mode change

Recently experimented with requiring a PIN to change change mode on my dashboard. I've decided it doesn't work well enough to keep it, but am unable to get rid of the PIN requirement.

I've erased the asterisks in the "Require numerical pin to be entered before changing a mode." field under advanced in the dashboard app, but even after trying this multiple times and rebooting the hub several times, I'm always required to enter a pin when I go to change modes.

What am I missing when you have a chance?



I can replicate this behavior. @bravenel, a bug?

  • I did not have a password set for HSM, Modes, or Dashboard access. (and have never used any in the past)
  • I set a password for HSM, Modes, and Dashboard access. (Save/Done) using the Apps tab, Hubitat Dashboard > Advanced section of the relevant Dashboard. (Circled in screenshot below)
  • I confirmed that all these items do have a password, it asked for my code like it should.
  • The password was erased from HSM, Modes, and to access Dashboards using the Apps tab, Hubitat Dashboard > Advanced section.
  • The password did successfully remove from HSM and Dashboard access.
  • The password did not remove from Modes.


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Bug confirmed, a fix is coming for Mode pin removal


Bug is fixed on build 124.


The bug is indeed fixed. Thank you for the quick response!

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