For some reason i cannot connect to my Hub (C8) since I unplugged the ethernet cable and re-plugged it. The phone app works but none of my rules triggered today...
Not being able to connect to your hub and your rules not working could be two different problems unless all your devices are LAN (or cloud) devices, as Zigbee and Z-Wave would not be affected by this. Have you used to verify that your hub IP address did not change? Can you connect to the Diagnostic Tool (port 8081)?
I did find my hub with your advice and I lost all my rules. How can I give a permanent addres to my hub in order to avoid that?
You can't lose all your rules unless you actually delete them or do some sort of reset on hub.
Most likely you accidentally have something in the filter box at the top of your apps page that is filtering out your rules.
Click in the filter box at the top of the Apps tab and make sure it's empty backspace delete anything in it and everything should come back for you.
Regarding your second question about having a fixed address for your hub, that is a good idea.
The best way to do that is through a DHCP reservation on your home router.
If you're not sure how to do that through Google you could probably find the information you need. Alternatively you could post some questions here including the brand and model of your router.
I found them back by clicking the expanding button. One last thing, In order to access my hub I have to use "find my hub" every time...and I will try to give the hub a fixed address. Thank you very much!
Glad you found the expand.
You'll find your hub's IP address on Settings>Hub Details, on the right hand side of the page.
You can just type your hub's ip address in your browser address bar and it will pull up your hub.
Setting a DHCP reservation is relatively easy to can Google a bit on how to do it for your router, and come back if you have any questions.
Got it! I succeeded, Thanks to your help!