Unable to Access Hubitat from WireGuard VPN

That is incorrect. Only is a private Class B network, which can be subnetted into 256 Class C networks. 192.189.x.x is a routable address - not private - so the hub is definitely going to block it.


What @aaiyar said.

Pretty sure anything outside of private IP space is blocked from connecting to the hub. That was done to prevent folks from inadvertantly (or purposefully) exposing their hub to the Internet and accessing without encryption.


`Class on IP address classes happening here... :wink:

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Thanks all found it through Google as well changed to a 10. address and all works now...Thanks for all your patience...back to networking school for me :rofl:

Have a good happy Holidays everyone


Good catch. I looked right past that 3 times.


Also guilty as charged. Trying too hard to see some really tricky problem w/his settings, and the obvious issue just floated right past my [tiny] brain. :wink: Didn't see it until @FriedCheese2006 pointed my nose at it.

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I thought I saw that and commented. Apparently, I didn't comment although it was staring me in the face in my image of my settings that worked with Firewalla