Ummm where's the upgrade utility?

I thought there was supposed to be a tool to migrate from our c5 hubs? Been sitting on my c7 but getting impatient. It would be a huge task to have to completely redo my system.

Patience - the original announcement indicated it would happen sometime this month, and we're barely into the month. I would rather they sorted out all secure z-wave pairing issues with the C-7 first.


Yes. Definitely wait for this to be sorted. I have got things working but have had to employ workarounds for some devices.


Any status on this? I've had a c7 sitting on my shelf in its box now for several months. I'd love to replace my C5 with it, but don't want to completely start over

It was mentioned during this evening's Hubitat Live that the Hub Protection Service is coming in v2.2.5.


If history is any indication, it will be about a month, give or take a week, from when 2.2.4 is finalized.

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Or 2.2.5 will never appear, and the next update will be 2.2.6, which will have the protection service and migration utility.

Bruce specifically said "In 2.2.5" tonight. I heard it with my own ears! So whether that proves anything I don't know...

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Yes, I heard it, too. And, back on July 21, Bruce announced:

I was being facetious.

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Same here. Hard to see emotions and body language online!

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