in my driver like this (for extra)
attribute "thermostatTemperatureSetpoint", "String"
attribute "nextHeatingSetpoint", "String"

then send event to attribute

I think this may be of use to you? :+1:

So ive mapped them accross

so need to creat 4 custom attributes/states

@bobbyD - are HE attributes equil to Google attributes and HE States the same as google states?

ie can i do state.thermostatTemperatureSetpoint and google can read that state or do i need to define it as a custom attribute?

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Hi there, please check out our developer documentation: ThermostatSetpoint

read that but does google require, as per thier doucmentation, a STATE or ATTRIBUTE (which) of thermostatTemperatureSetpoint which isnt defined in your documentation as a standated attribute

Hi all,

I'm currently awaiting my delivery of my first hubitat!

At the moment I'm using smartthings and webcore with some external temp sensors and a custom DTH for the Drayton wiser trvs (no wiser hub, just trvs). System works fine, checking temp of a room against a schedule and if it's too cold, changes the setpoint of the trv to something high (30 degrees) to ensure the valve definitely opens. Conversely, the webcore logic sets the valve to 5 degrees to ensure its definitely closed.

Valve open / close status (amongst other things) switches my zwave boiler switch on or off, so all in all, my central heating system is working fine.

Does this driver work with the wiser trvs alone? At the moment I'm using Gabor Szabados's dth for smartthings.

Its not tested on wiser, it supports temperature setpoints and will RM can be set to mirror a boiler realy

Has anyone had any luck with the Popp TRV?

I've got the Danfloss v3.01 device code - applies heating set point correctly, and
I've tried the Spirit device code - does not apply the set points, but has correct current temperature reporting.

How do merge the 2??
I've tried cutting pasting parts that could applicable but I have no idea what I'm doing.
(tried googling for other code. Generic thermostat doesn't work either)

Any help is appreciated.

Looking for a driver for Eurotronic Spirit Z-wave Thermostat too.



I have tried your driver, but it didn't work. I think it was due to C7 Z-Wave issues. Now with last firmware of HE it looks better. But could you take a look to this DH from ST and port it? It has better functionality than your driver. For example, in your driver there are some kind of FAN settings, which don't work for sure.

There is no fan settings on mine, what you are looking at is the HE dashboard tile which has fan mode but the trv dosnt support. To remove it you will have to put custom css code on your dashboard

If you let me know the specific issues I can look into them

Anyone tried the Tuya ZigBee 3.0 TRV.
Looks quite good and relatively cheap.

they do :thinking:

similar to these

UK TRV's - #42 by BorrisTheCat

Yea id be interested if someone tries, I'm still having z-wave issues so I think the only solution is to move everything over to zigbee

I don't know is it normal or not, but there are fan settings not only in dashboard, but in device settings to.

The come with the thermostat attribute just ignore them

Edit just reviewed the code, there is no command associated with fan

I know, but it still looks strange for me.
Thank you.

Its not like smartthings, where you can build each devices displays, HE is more about automation and not needing controls