Ugh! Not again! Daylight savings time issues again

I have two time variables that I control via dashboards. With the time change they now display 1 hour off. I went through this before. It's strictly a display issue. If I click on them they show correct. The device I'm viewing them with shows correct time. The hub shows correct time. It's just the one nagging issue of not displaying correctly.

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This is my second year of an absolutely flawless DST change :ok_hand:t2: :smiley:

This on my C4, C5 and C7. Still haven't fired up my C8. C7 is running so perfectly I hate to retire it.

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Does a hub reboot do anything?

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Yup I am seeing it as well. The hub variable is correct and you are right that it is just a dashboard issue. The DST issues usually resolve themselves after a couple of days. I donโ€™t have a solution to fix them them now.


My dashboard is back to normal this morning.


That's interesting that it would be delayed like that. Mine unfortunately is not.

Typically it gets cleaned up the day following the DST time change during the overnight hub cleanup when it resume and pulls the sunset/sunrise info do the next day. I donโ€™t know why it took two days this time for me. Hopefully you are back in sync after one more day.

Well, I just went to change my alarm for the morning and my dashboard is an hour ahead again.

As soon as I click on the time variable to edit it, ir shows the proper time and I can adjust. Hit save and back to an hour ahead.

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This is exactly what I'm experiencing too.

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Same for me. Has not resolved itself yet.

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Ok well when I said that it would resolve itself, I lied.

The swear the second day I was good. The third day, back to an hour ahead.

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Any chance this is a known issue?

I believe it has something to do with the variable being set via the dashboard vs being set with the system. I finally figured out that if I change the variable in the dashboard the time never corrects itself, but if I change it in the hub settings it fixes itself. The linked video shows exactly that I believe.

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Once you've made the change using the hub settings, does it work correctly from the dashboard from there on?

Yup! It seems as though that updates the daylight savings time adjustment for the displayed value on the dashboard and then it remains correct until the next daylight savings time change and then itโ€™s an hour off again.


@bobbyD @gopher.ny

I'm seeing this myself now on 2.3.9 (C8 Pro). And, it doesn't look like this was addressed, perhaps?

I have some time values (stored in Hub Variables) that are on one of my dashboards.

They appear in the "settings" as (example) "4:00 PM", but on the dashboard they now appear as "5:00 PM". When I click to edit them on the dashboard, it then shows 4:00 PM. However, when I change them there and click "Save", they are still off by an hour.

Sure enough, when I update them in the Hub Variables Settings list, they update properly.

Somehow, updating a variable on a dashboard isn't properly keeping track of DST vs Normal time.