What are the options for controlling one light from two PIR sensors.
Situation- a room with a PIR on each of its two entrances (opposite ends) to control the lighting in that room.
Perhaps can be done in one rule or maybe a common timer or flag is needed.
Either PIR will trigger the light on but if "no motion detected for X mins" applied to each sensor would (i assume) mean the first PIR to "time-out" would turn the lights off. However, if there is motion from either PIR i want to maintain lighting.
Room lighting can handle this with ease and is the default behavior. Any motion detected will turn on the light. Both sensors must be inactive before the turn off timer starts.
In addition to @FriedCheese2006's very practical solution using Room Lighting, you can also use the Zone Motion Controller app to create a virtual motion sensor that combines the actions of various other sensors. There are several options but one of them is to aggregate motion sensors into a single virtual sensor that will trigger if ANY of the component sensors triggers and will clear after the last component sensor has cleared. The resulting virtual motion sensor can be used in any app.
this sounds like the ideal solution. however i dont understand the difference between motion aggregation and triggered activation. Seems to me they both do the same function.
Perhaps someone can elaborate.
thanks. so i'm running motion aggregation and either PIR activates and a lack of motion deactivates.
However, im using the "virtual" motion device created by this app to engage a virtual switch (which works) but when the zone-aggeregation "virtual motion device" goes inactive it doesnt turn off my switch (see screenshot)
BUT you can see from the previous screen shot i had the option "motion stopped" selected, therefore no time delay parameter.
Could this be a bug?- That the value (circled red) is still applicable even when the option "motion stopped" is chose that shouldn't use a time variable.
been playing with the "Zone Motion Controller" App successfully but noticed that one of the aggregated motion sensors available as a control source is the (virtual) motion-device created by the app itself.
Is this just there because the app offers ALL motion-sensors as an option by default?
I guess using this would cause feedback that would defeat the app functionality.
Or is there a reason why it's own output has been made available as an input device for this app?
Apps pull in the device list by capability. So, in the app code, you write to pull any device with the "motion" capability...that would include the virtual motion sensor created by the instance. It's kind of an all or nothing. I imagine one could code the app to pull the list and drop the device created by that app instance, but that could be more work than it's worth.
If you used the virtual device in the same instance that created the virtual device, I would imagine that would lead to some funky behavior.