Weird LAN issue. Router is a ASUS RT-AX3000 with an RT-AX58 mesh. My C7 Hub is hardwired to the AX58 and my C8 Hub is hardwired to the AX3000. I am NOT using hub mesh and the issue occurs with/without Bonjour enabled. House is 1500 sq feet and AX58 is 20 feet away from the AX3000 with a wifi interlink.
Devices currently wanting "connection" are 37 with AX58 - 8 and AX3000 - 29. However, the router is alternately connecting the C7 and disconnecting the C8 (and vice-a-versa). Fairly rapidly.
As an aside, I have one Matter device (linkind bulb) that has disconnected several times in the past two days. It took a power off cycle to regain control. It does appear stable for now.
- Is this demonstrating the router mesh network active connected device limit?
- Does this explain the periodic retries required for the Hubitat connected wifi devices?