Two hubs alternately disconnecting/connecting to router

Weird LAN issue. Router is a ASUS RT-AX3000 with an RT-AX58 mesh. My C7 Hub is hardwired to the AX58 and my C8 Hub is hardwired to the AX3000. I am NOT using hub mesh and the issue occurs with/without Bonjour enabled. House is 1500 sq feet and AX58 is 20 feet away from the AX3000 with a wifi interlink.

Devices currently wanting "connection" are 37 with AX58 - 8 and AX3000 - 29. However, the router is alternately connecting the C7 and disconnecting the C8 (and vice-a-versa). Fairly rapidly.

As an aside, I have one Matter device (linkind bulb) that has disconnected several times in the past two days. It took a power off cycle to regain control. It does appear stable for now.


  • Is this demonstrating the router mesh network active connected device limit?
  • Does this explain the periodic retries required for the Hubitat connected wifi devices?

Different reserved ip addresses in the router?

Yes. DHCP reservation for both.

Your experience is really strange. The hubs shouldn't even know about each other. Can you temporarily move the hub on the remote connection to the router?

you only have one dhcp server running on the main reouter correct.

Yes. There is not one even available of the mesh satellite.

Looking at the specs the AX-58 is just a fancy AP/range extender.