TV Remote

So I have a sony TV integrated and working great. My issue is the navigation is clunky. When on the device page, there is a button for key press then you have to select which type from a drop down.

What I'd like is a device, app or dashboard that has 5 buttons, each mapped to a specific key press.

Thoughts on the best way to approach this?

You can create a virtual button device with as many buttons as you want. Mine for my home entertainment center has had up to 25. I think the Virtual Button device defaults to 5. Then, create a dashboard for just that virtual button. Next, create button tiles on the dashboard and assign which of the 5 buttons that tile will push. Finally, create a Rule Manager rule or use Button Controller App to map the virtual tile pushes to the key presses of the Sony TV. This is mine for my phone:

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When you setup the rule for the button push, in the action it asks for what the type is for the custom action. What did you use?

I use push for all of them. I have sometimes set it up to Push when I added tile but when I went back later to edit the tile, that field was blank.

I use Node Red for my logic so unfortunately I cannot show you an example in Rule Manager or Button Controller.

I do the exact same as @stephen_nutt. The one minor difference is that I have a virtual switch for each TV in the house (down the left hand side of the remote pictured below). Then the remote fires actions on whichever TV(s) are selected. Easy peasy.

That remote originally had a slider at the top to select the room so it would work in both rooms. Then, using a couple D1 minis and Home Assistant's ESPresence BT sensors, I was able to get the remote to work on correct equipment based on what room I was in. I made a thread about it but can't find it

Brilliant idea. Just tried to find it and couldn’t either. If you ever locate it, pls post!

I thought I shared more details but this might have been all.

How are you telling it to set a TV, and then have the buttons dynamically know which one to use?

By comparison to @stephen_nutt, my approach is brute force simple.

Those tiles along the left hand side of the remote control are virtual switches where “on” means to apply the button push action to the corresponding TV. For example, if I press the volume-up button, the volume will go up only on TVs where the virtual switch is on.

To make all this happen, I use rule machine — one rule per button/action. The trigger for each rule is the respective button push. The rule actions are basically a series of simple conditions, e.g.:

  • if Bedroom TV Control is ON, do action to Bedroom TV
  • if Fam Room TV Control is ON, do action to Fam Room TV
  • et al

That help?

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