TV Integrations (LG, Samsung, Vizio)

I was hoping for the same solution, SmartThing w TV to HE via Hub Connect or my new amour Node-Red. Trouble is my TV is ~2015 model and can't add to ST hub. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Status of my effort (If anyone cares) on Samsung TV Remote

  • There are three different integrations depending the TV model. These are NOT compatible:
  • I developed test code for the Samsung driver (just in-case) based on info on GitHub
    • I was able to connect using webSocket interface.
    • The command derived an error "unrecognized method value", meaning that my device doesn't support this (as expected).
    • Code for the experiment may work on post 2016 models. I would appreciate feedback if it does. The code is just to light the fire for a single-driver integration.


import groovy.json.*
metadata {
	definition (name: "AA TV via WS", namespace: "davegut", author: "Dave Gutheinz")
	{ command "test" }
def ip() { return "" }	//	Change ip portion to your IP.
def getTestKey() {	//	Pick key you want to test.
//	return "KEY_PLAY"
//	return "KEY_PAUSE"
//	return "KEY_VOLUP"
//	return "KEY_VOLDOWN"
	return "KEY_MUTE"
//	return "KEY_POWER"
def test() {
	log.trace "<b>Test Started Test Started Test Started</b>"
	runIn(5, close)
def close() {
def getCommand(key) {
	def command = [method: "ms.remote.control",
				   params: [Cmd: "Click", DataOfCmd: key,
							Option: "false",TypeOfRemote: "SendRemoteKey"]]
	log.trace new JsonBuilder(command).toPrettyString()
	return new JsonBuilder(command).toPrettyString()
def parse(response) { log.trace "parse: " + response }
def webSocketStatus(response) {
	log.trace "status: " + response
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Link to git please

Duh, figure it out; results below

TV model: UN65HU8550

Thanks for testing. Your model number indicates you have a 2014 model. I have the 2015. I have found more out:

  1. The code provided will work on 2016 and later (not tested). If it does, I am willing to continue developing with collaboration of a user who can do some testing so I can make the driver work properly.
  2. For 2014 and 2015 models, I will work independently to develop a driver. These models use AES encryption (ouch).
  3. The legacy (very old) sets are going to be orphaned unless I hear a large begging for better results.
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Thank you very much for your efforts.....

Don't know if this helps or not, but here is the results from my Samsung UN60JS7000:

Here are the results from my Samsung UN50NU6900:

Don't know what any of this means or if it is even helpful!

Thank you for trying to get this to work!

Here is a test on a 2019 QN43LS03RAFXZA TV

I don't know if this is any help, but I ran across this on GitHub where a lot of the different year TVs seem to be working:

My TV responds to http://192.168.x.x:8001/api/v2/ in a web browser. Here is the log from Hubitat on this same TV. It is a couple year old UN65MU7000.

[dev:2726]( 06:24:57.592 pm [trace]({ "method": "ms.remote.control", "params": { "Cmd": "Click", "DataOfCmd": "KEY_POWER", "Option": "false", "TypeOfRemote": "SendRemoteKey" } }

[dev:2726]( 06:24:57.185 pm [trace]( failure: Code 1005 is reserved and may not be used.

[dev:2726]( 06:24:57.116 pm [trace]( status: open

[dev:2726]( 06:24:56.960 pm [trace]( **Test Started Test Started Test Started**

Going to standby for a while and determine direction. There are three Samsung remote api's

  • Legacy (pre-2014) uses hex-coded to a port 55000. Because of age of devices, I will not work this.
  • Encrypted (2014, 2015 (mine). Will probably be second up. Requires implementing a complex handshake for a pin and AES encoding.
  • Current (assumed 2016+): Resides on port 8001. Will work this first, I will be putting some test code together for this and ask for help. First I want to fully understand flow.



I just tried it on my 2016 UN65KS9000 TV and got the following error on both power and mute:

Tried it on my 2019 model and got this:

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Thanks. I have work to do on the initial comms.

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Any progress on this?

Ran into a roadblock getting the encryption on the device to work properly. The algorithm was very long and not suitable for Hubitat. Isigh)

Using Hubitat HTTP Momentary Switch Driver :

I am able to start Netflix.

I got the idea from :

Also I can start the TV using WOL :

It seems that the issue with websocket is related to a token :

My TV is 2018 : UN65NU8000

I installed the Chromecast Integration and it found my NVidia SHIELD but nothing else. Not sure how I can use that ability though.

Hello guys, I ended up making a driver to control the TV via IR using a UFO-R1 with tasmota.
It's working really well, just copy your TV's IR command codes inside the device, as you can see in the photo
Only problem is that I can't make it appear on the Dashboard, or on Alexa, or on Homebridge.
They appear only as a switch.

Hello, can you help me to connect to Samsung Smart. May be you have data sheet about Samsung api

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