Here are a couple of threads to review depending on what your desire is and what devices you have:
I have one of the C7 hubs and as of yet haven't set anything up on it, although it's found my phone and seems to actually understand geofencing. The Smartlife zigbee sockets I have are the 011 type and I've managed to test pair them, (generic) . I will need help with the driver and such to use these with power monitoring working. The information I can't find is whether I can get Smartlife zigbee devices on the hubitat hub to talk to and work in automations within Smartlife in general - WITHOUT I…
I developed this cloud driver for my personal use because I have some Tuya WiFi bulbs that can't be converted to Tasmota at this time and so I decided to port some of the code Tuya published on Github so I could get basic control of them from Hubitat. I have limited ability to support this driver but think it is useful and functional enough to share with the community.
Downloads your device list from Tuya and creates child-devices automatically
Supports push updates from Tuya for n…
Hopefully this will provide insight into the supported capabilities. There are many drivers and supported devices thanks to the great community developers.