Turn on blower when temp rises and off when temp falls

Hi guys! I'm at work now so I can't spend a lot of time on this right now. I just want to clarify the use here. I have an old free standing gas furnace. The temp sensor I am using is on the exhaust pipe. When the furnace ignites, the pipe temp rises. At 75 I am able to pull heat from the furnace with a duct fan that I installed. This is when the blower should turn on. The furnace runs and pipe temp increases. When the furnace turns off the pipe temp begins to drop. I can still pull residual heat from the furnace. At 90, the furnace has cooled enough that I cannot pull any more heat. This is why the blower needs to turn off at 90.

Thanks for all your replies! I will try some of them in the morning and let you all know what the final solution is.

I still think it's as simple as the 2 rules I described in post 3, no booleans or anything necessary.

At 80° both rules would fire because both conditions are met. So, it wouldn't turn on when it first got above 75. I tried it with my bathroom fan and a virtual temp sensor earlier.

Don't forget about the condition state changes. That only happens when temp crosses 75 or 90.

As long as you did nothing to cause any reevaluation. But as soon as you put anything else into play, another condition or a restriction, you're screwed.

The only condition he mentioned is temp, so thats what I'm going off of. I just tested with a virtual dimmer using level instead of temp and it works.

This is my final solution. (working very well)....

Activate a Virtual Switch that allows blower to be turned on at low temp....

use Trigger to turn on blower on condition of Virtual Switch ON...

a second Virtual Switch allows blower to be turned OFF at high temp...

and finally... Trigger blower ON under condition of Virtual Switch

Thank you all for your assistance and inspiration!

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