TTS is playing 2 messages, not 1

I have just updated my hub to the latest version and thought I would try the new TTS functionality.
Configured a "This is a test" message using webCoRE when a light turns on and it works perfectly.
Then configured another message to play at a certain time, also using webCoRE.
The second message played but it was then immediately followed by the This is a test message.
I deleted the first piston and tried again with the second piston.
It did exactly the same, played both messages.
Think there may be a bug here.

I tried to create a test piston yesterday without any luck. Could you post your test piston as an example?


So, I got it working but are seeing different results.

If I just do straight speech it works great!

BUT, if I throw in a tone .mp3 file to get our attention before it speaks. 1) it plays the tone 2) it speaks 3) it plays the tone again (it should only play the tone once, before the speech)

I think you need to send a stop after the first play track, the transport is probably still playing, even though the mp3 rendering is complete, when speak sees the transport in play, it resumes the previous track.

This was created on the webCoRE forum for ST. It is working well for me on Hubitat now. It announces arrivals and departures with randomized phrases based on presence sensors.

That looks great! After seeing this, I would like to try this as well. Quick question. On line 106 of your screenshot, how should this be setup? It looks like it is asking for a mobile device that can accept a push notification? Since the hubitat app isn't available yet, what type of device are you selecting?

Thank you

I am sending a push notification with PushOver. I was using SMS messaging but was limited the 10 messages a day so I spent the $5 (one-time) to get PushOver and now I get all the push messages delivered on my phone.

Thanks Matthew, I signed up with pushover and will give this a shot!