TTS guide?

Is there a step by step guide to get my Hubitat to speak (TTS)?

Which integration do I need?
What speaker? (And how is it interfaced?)
An example rule?

(I’ve done some searching, but not finding a guide).

Thank you.

By far, the simplest and MOST reliable TTS solution is to purchase a Sonos speaker (or, even better, an IKEA Symfonisk speaker as they are made by Sonos and are much less expensive.)

Then, simply add the Sonos speaker to Hubitat using the built-in Sonos Integration. Afterwards, just start using TTS using Hubitat's built-in TTS engine.

This solution requires NO custom code, is fast, and is very reliable.


The answer to much of that is “it depends.” :slightly_smiling_face:

Hubitat’s pretty flexible and can interface with a number of smart speakers.

Do you have one already? Like an Amazon Echo, Sonos, Google Home or Apple HomePod?


If you have an Android tablet or old phone and are familiar with Tasker you could produce TTS on the Android device via a local HTTP call.

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I agree probably the best option for someone who doesn’t already own a smart speaker or feel particularly invested in an Amazon/Google/Apple ecosystem for other reasons.

Cheaper than Sonos branded speakers, but function identically and the Hubitat integration with Sonos is as simple to use as it gets.


That’s excellent, thank you.

Depends as mentioned. I prefer amazon with echo speaks as we have multiple houses and can have alerts no matter where we are.

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Thanks, so is it a broadcast then, to all speakers at once?

You can send the same TTS message to multiple speakers pretty much regardless of which type of speakers you’re using.

Echo Speaks is a really impressive add-on software for those with Hubitat and Amazon Echos (I use it sometimes). But it’s substantially more complex to setup than a built-in solution like Sonos.

Take a look at the documentation for Hubitat’s “notifications” app to see if that helps you understand one example of how Hubitat can be configured to send various kinds of messages, including to TTS devices.

To understand how the Sonos integration is setup, see here.


Google, Homepod/Homepod mini, Sonos/Symphonisk, Alexa are all viable to have tts on your hub. I use Homepod/Homepod minis myself.

All of them can be grouped.

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How much is Sonos, as far as monthly subscription?

Sonos doesn’t require any monthly subscription. They’re just smart speakers.

ETA: You may need a subscription to stream your preferred content through the Sonos app and the speakers. I use Apple Music, for example. But there’s also free stuff to stream, and they work as Bluetooth speakers (to play something from a phone) or can connect to a local media server with music (if you have one), some models have wired inputs, etc.

So, what you'd need to do tts with Sonos is just buy the equipment?

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If that’s all you need, then yes.

What @ogiewon mentioned is the cheapest way to get a Sonos speaker. The IKEA branded speakers are Sonos speakers, they’re just priced differently. And that’s all one needs to setup TTS with Hubitat.

That was my first intro to Sonos, just to try out one speaker with Hubitat.

And then I allowed myself to get sucked in and bought a few Sonos Port devices to connect to a wired multi room amp I use (definitely NOT a cheap solution btw).


i dont believe that is correct. when some of the speakers are in different house that DONT have a hub.. but i could be wrong..

I meant one hub sending to multiple speakers in a single home. That’s presumably what the OP has in mind?

But yes for your specific use case in multiple houses, not all of which have an Hubitat hub, echo speaks may very well be the best (or only) solution.

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i believe google offers it too but i have not ventured down that route... for my case for instance it nice to know when a freezer or wine fridge is malfunctioning etc.

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Exactly. One speaker to start with, but broadcast to multiple would be ideal. (One upstairs and one downstairs for example),

Or, just send a push notification to your phone from the remote locations. :wink:


Easy to do. You can group speakers