TTS Avatar

Hello All,

This is a bit off the standard "rule creation" and "app setup" threads, but I wanted to throw this out to my fellow nerds out there :slight_smile:

So, I am trying to create a proof of concept, using the basic TTS speech alerts from Hubitat to drive an avatar on a central screen I have setup. Essentially, I was wanting to pipe thee TTS through it to drive the avatar animations. if I can get this to work then I would add additional speech to it via other sources.

Any ideas :slight_smile:


I think some more details about the program/app/OS/hardware etc. you’re using would be a good place to start.

Well, I am just starting to brainstorm this, nothing is in stone yet. I have access to Raspberry Pi's, Windows 10 Laptops to drive this, not sure on the Avatar program yet, that is the question :slight_smile:

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gotcha, and what kind of screen? Just a monitor that would be connected to your Rpi/Win10 PC? A tablet running its own OS?

4k monitor connected via HDMI to Raspberry Pi or Windows 10...Tablet also I have a few of those (Android) on ice too.