TTlock integration?

Is there a ttlock (G2 hub) integration or is there anyone working on one?

Thx ..

Its a Wifi device.

Do they have an open and documented API? (probably not)

Is there any other integrations out there for Home Assistant or Homebridge already?

Yes it works with home assistant.
And yes it is a wifi hub.
On the website they claim it is API open platform

The Amazon link you provided above is basically the same device I purchased from AliExpress.

It is cloud based but yes I see the HA integration. Your best bet is actually to setup HA in a docker container or something. You could bring it over to HE from HA. The integration there looks like it is being maintained.

It would be possible for someone to make a community HE integration, there are just less community developers here and A LOT of different wifi cloud devices that all have their own special systems so it overwhelming to support everything.

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