no it's not the MP31ZP model, just the regular MP31Z
yes Bottle Lights (0x27) is directly associated to Bar Accent (0x21) which is also in the group -I was just saying I could leave it out of the group. It's not going to hurt to try so I might as well.
However, most of the time I don't have an issue with the group ~ so I was assuming if that was a conflict it would be consistent problem. Also, this wasn't the device that failed to respond.
UPDATE: I just removed the MP31Z plug from the group and tried the Alexa command again... nearly the same behavior as this morning... first time I say it - she says "ok" and nothing happens... I wait maybe 20-30 seconds, nothing... so I say again and this time the devices slowly come on one at a time. Since I am in the basement anway near the breaker panel I turn off the breakers for the switches in question for a min or two and the turn them back on... everything returns to the previous state as per the settings and then I say Alexa turn off group and everything turns off almost simultaneously.
I've repeated the group on, group off cycle a few times since and everything is working just like it should. So cutting the power to the devices (only dimmers have the air-gap on them, not the on/off switches so breaker is the only option for those ~ don't know why z-wave switches are like this) has done something to shake out the cobwebs. But obviously not a tenable solution.
I'd start w/that change, just so you aren't doing double-duty messaging on the on/off w/grouped and associated devices. Might be fine most of the time, but have intermittent issues.
Also, probably not related but just to mention it, I've had the best luck w/Minoston plugs using the Eva Logik plug drivers...
I did - dont think it made a difference though (just updated the post above) ... I might give those drivers a try too though, thanks for suggestion. What made you pick those?
I can't remember now, frankly, why I tried the Eva Logik drivers. I do remember the address of the house I lived in in 4th grade, and also remember my undergraduate student ID number. Go brain has unpredictable retention priorities.
Either someone here who had experience using them w/Minoston plugs mentioned it in a post, or I just tried them one time because my Eva Logik plug has been like a rock, zero issues ever, and I was having some issues w/the plugs when I first got them.