Trouble with RM / Triggered events, Physical Switches

I have 3 Zooz ZW+ toggle switches I am using to control a 4th Zooz ZW+ dimmer switch. The Zooz switches are not physically connected to the 4th in any way - they are just powered.

I created triggered rules in RM for each switch (1-3) that sets a condition for when physical switch turns "on" and the 4th switch is not "on" already then turn it "on".

Conversely if the physical switch turns "off" and the 4th switch is not already "off" then turn it "off".

For some reason the events do not fire all the time for these switches. I am at a loss.. I can see in the logs that HE is picking up on the physical events but no trigger is fired... The odd thing is the rules do work occasionally but not always but logs always show the physical events either on or off even if the events are not firing.

I am on the latest and greatest firmware and originally had 2 on/off rules but broke them out thinking that was the issue.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

So looking at the logs a little closer if l turn off one of the switches when it is already off (even though the 4th switch may be on).. I get a

Upstairs Hall Switch 2 is off [physical]

Not [physical] turned off. so it looks like it is just reporting state back.

I guess there is no way to trap this?