So I have set up a little system to automate two in-room mini-splits (each on a different floor). The setup goes likj this:
- A virtual thermostat, one for each floor (workshop, sewing rm)
- MakerAPI which exposes those thermostats
- NodeRed which receives the thermostats and integrates the recorded IR remote commands with the temperature command sent from Hubitat and issues a irHVAC command to
- An esp8266 running tasmotaIR 10.1. which sends the irHVAC command via an IR Transmitter mounted just below the indoor HVAC unit.
all this is controlled by a basic rule that at 1pm sets the heating set point to 74 and waits until 4pm and sets it to 70. But there is a problem...
the temps don't change consistently. The console on the ESP8266 shows that I usually get two messages and sometimes three setting the temp to 74, 74 and 0 or 70, 70 and 0. I really only want one message.
Is there any way to determine why I am getting multiple messages or to limit the message to only one?