Triggering Tasker using Pushover notifications

Figured this out a couple days ago, figured I would share in case anyone else is interested.

I used to use the Tasker/SharpTools/ST integration to put my phone into Do Not Disturb mode when going to bed, and turning off when waking up. Since ditching ST, I've been having to do this manually. Figured out this past weekend that Tasker can read notifications and react to them.

So I have Hubitat send a Pushover notification to my phone only when I go to bed that says "Chris Sleep is on". Tasker triggers on this and sets phone to DND mode. Reverse in the morning, "Chris Sleep is off" notification turns off DND mode.

As an add-on to this, I bought the AutoNotification plugin for $2.50, and have it clear the notification so I never actually see it.

Pretty simple to do, and could be used to trigger anything in Tasker. Hope this helps someone.


Awesome man thanks for sharing!

Since Pushover has native Tasker integration, another option would be to send the message as a Low Priority using the [L] prefix, then use the Pushover Tasker Event Plugin, and set the Low Priority Pushover notifications to not show (long-press on the notification).


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If you want the actions to run completely locally on your network (eg. no Internet / Cloud required), you can use the AutoRemote Wifi service.

I turn my son's whitenoise on/off using this approach. I have a Tasker profile that turns on the AutoRemote Wifi service when the tablet boots up or connects to wifi. Then you can make an HTTP call from Hubitat to send a message:


For example, @ogiewon has a Virtual Momentary HTTP Switch driver:

And I wrote a small driver that lets me send command directly to an AutoRemote Wifi device and optionally receive updates from the device. That way if I control the whitenoise directly on the device, it can update the status in Hubitat via the Maker API and it won't retrigger a command being sent down to the device.

Edit: I changed the AutoRemote Wifi driver over to async HTTP calls and it's much more efficient now.

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