Trigger Outlet


The thing is that I want to a way to open/close my garage door via a virtualbutton.
I have a input on my garagemotor for a remote button and dismantled a ikea outlet and modified it to conncent between inputs for the remote button.

Ive been searching this forum for a while and can´t find answer to my question.
I wonder if it is possible to trigger a zigbee outlet for just 0.5 sec?
Do I use rule machine for this kind of automation?


I user rule machine to turn off the outlet 1 second after it's turned on. Also check this thread for some info.

Thanks for the reply
I will go and check that thread now :slight_smile:

You can. There are actually several choices. Here are three:

  1. You can use RM as you have suggested.

  2. You can create/use a driver for your zigbee outlet that automatically turns it off after a configurable number of milliseconds/seconds. I did this for the zigbee outlet I used because I was told that it would be more reliable to implement auto-off in the driver rather than in RM which is a very large app.

  3. Finally, @asj has provided a collection of small, very efficient apps. One of them "when_on_then_off.groovy" is perfect of this situation. It works very well and has the advantage of being small and efficient.

P.S. Welcome to Hubitat!

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Thanks for the information.

Since im new to hubitat and automation in generell I dont think my first step is to create a new driver :slight_smile:
I will try groovy for a start and see if I can get things going.