Trigger help in RM

Should be able to if you lock/unlock it remotely. Not sure how this is any better though than using a virtual switch or pulling out the phone and going into the dashboard to turn it off. :wink:

As far as I know...RM is only able to act on known codes stored in the lock. Known codes stored in the lock will open the door. So technically you can store a code that can perform other actions as well, but you will have to unlock and lock the door to use it. Not the best scenario but definitely doable.

And who knows what surprises @mike.maxwell has in store with the now infamous Lock Manager. :wink:

This is not possible with door locks, the lock codes are stored within the lock, the only time they are passed to the driver (and events are created) is when the door is locked and a valid code is entered, this unlocks the door obviously.
They do not posses the ability to function as a generic keypad.
The centralite keypads do not store the lock codes in the device, here the driver validates the code, so these are quite a bit dumber than the locks, however that driver was specifically written to integrate the code functions with arming disarming states on the keypad.

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You can do this with Delay These Actions (it has a cancel on truth change option).

I have to think about your other requests.

Only with rules correct and not triggers?

Is this correct?

Yes, only for rules. Not correct, I don't see that you selected Cancel for the delay. Also, your false part doesn't lock the door, and you don't need the Stop part of it at all.

I do not understand. Can you give me a visual?

I actually needed to set this up as well, so I went ahead and took screenshots. When you set the delay time there is an option to cancel on truth change.

Final Rule should look like this

I'm not sure what Bruce was referring to with...

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I believe he's referring to "Stop Actions" then the rule is false. It's not needed. If the rule isn't true, nothing happens, so there's no need for stop actions.

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Here's what I do:


I love it when people are smarter than me...thanks. I had two damn rules and a Virtual switch doing this... (I also had a bit more notifications) but Thanks!

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