Trigger event for multiple devices not working

I have a rule which is supposed to trigger whenever the temperature changes on two of my devices:


The rule is only triggering for one of the selected devices however. I'm running the latest update and RM5.

I can make separate trigger events for each device and that works correctly.

Please turn on Event and Trigger logging for the rule, and show the logs of it failing. Also, please show the Event Subscriptions for this rule (on App Status page -- gear icon).

FWIW, this works as expected for me. It gets the right subscriptions, and fires for any of the devices changing.

Looks like maybe it's related to predicates?

When I make this same test rule without a predicate it has subscriptions for both devices and it works as expected.

Which one doesn't fire? Window Sensor? If so, that's a bug.

I will look into it...

That's right, only the kitchen device is firing.