Tried to put update to 2.3.9 from on my C7 hub apps all gone


all my apps dissapeared on firmware 2.3.9 had to restore
is 2.3.9 suitable for C7 hubs?

One way this can appear to happen is if you accidentally put something into the search box on the apps page.

E.g., this is the apps page on my C7 (running when I press space twice in the search box.

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Yes, it works on all hub models.

If only the apps were gone but not devices, then I assume your issue is with the search box as mentioned above.

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thank you, i didnt put anything in the search box. after update clicked apps. One rule machine instance was in nothing else.

What about the devices list?
Also, if you did not specifically clear the search box, something possibly got in there on accident.

that was there
ill try the search box trick

I'll highlight accidentally put something in the search box, not realizing you did.

When I initially went to generate my screenshot, I had to type in three spaces because I had a Rule which had a double space in the name. This was my first screen shot using just 2 spaces:

(two spaces before the word after. I've since removed them)

You might just try updating to 2.3.9 again. Once there we can help you debug what is happening if this repeats itself.

thankyou very much guys. that was it the bloody search box...


@bobbyd @gopher.ny I'd just like to highlight that someone posts about a problem like this every 6 months or so.

I wonder if a trivial UI change, like turning the [X Clear] button red when there is a search filter in effect, would help users notice this issue.

(in the screen shots above, the search box has two spaces.

Also, I am specifically not asking for searches of just spaces to be prevented - I occasionally find them useful)


Maybe this happens every month even... @gopher.ny @bobbyD