Touchscreen Wall-monted Controller question

I am looking for the Touchscreen Scene Controller which will go right into the electric switch
box. The idea is to replace ZEN32 in a Kitchen with user customizable buttons. ZEN32 works
just fine but my wife (and frankly myself as well) keep forgetting which button does what.
Each ZEN32 Button assigned only one single function because my wife absolutely hates
these double and long press clicks (I am silently using double clicks for few hidden functions
but long press and single click programmed the same). Attempt to use Stickers did not work.
So, I am looking for Electronic Stickers. i.e. customizable touch screen controller.
I came across Sonoff NSPanel Pro:
According to all info I found this one should run Android.
And if this is true I guess, to achieve my goal I can run HE Dashboard.

What do you think?
Any other ideas are very welcome.

I was thinking about DIY project based say, on Hubduino but in this case it will not
nice looking which is a must.
And all controls must be only local (anything cloud-based is absolutely no go).

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Thank you for the info.
I guess, I will try this one. Sonoff NSPanel Pro is already ordered.

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