Tis the season to be annoyed by drivers again

Aaargh - it's Kasa time again.

I just reactivated a Kasa smartplug that I use for my Christmas tree - Router sees it, Google sees it, Kasa sees it, SmartThings sees it ... Hubitat sees it in the Kasa App, but it does NOT appear as a device to include in rules.

Redid Kasa App Discover - no luck
Repaired Kasa App - no luck
Bounced Hubitat - no luck

This sh1t should just work, right?

A lot of possibilities. The device is INSTALLED, so it it not a driver issue.

  1. Is the device on the Devices page.
  2. Is the device disabled? if so, enable the device then do a refresh.
  3. Open the device and try to control it from the device edit page.
  4. Try removing the device from hubitat (go to bottom of the device edit apge) then adding again.

Hi Daivd,

I'm seeing the below in the app itself;

All kasa devices except for the new one 'Xmas Tree' is seen under devices and works without problem
All the devices are found in the array using Cloud Discovery
Devices cannot be found via IP or Name in the app though
No devices come up when trying to remove

First - are you using the Community App or the Built-in App.

I need LOGS from an attempt to do a device install through the APP. Follow explicitly:

  • Wifi Verification: Verify that your devices and the Hub are on the same Wifi Segment (ex: 192.168.1.xx) and are on the same SSID.
  • Open App
  • Verify segment matches those for your devices: "LAN Configuration: [LanSegments: [192.168.50], Ports [9999], hostRange: [1, 254]]"
  • Select Debug Logging at bottom
  • Open a separate Log window
  • Select Scan for Kasa Devices and add.
  • Provide me with logs as well as the list of the devices to add from next page
  • If 'Xmas Tree' appear, try to add.
Example Logs
[app:24]( 18:58:03.199[debug]( Integration: [method:createDevice, plugNo:02, device:[dni:1027F5AA697C02, ip:, port:9999, type:Kasa Plug Switch, rssi:-42, feature:TIM, model:KP303, alias:Bed TV, deviceId:80060365AEB3D58525D12C829AF7CCBE1EEBE84D, plugNo:02, plugId:80060365AEB3D58525D12C829AF7CCBE1EEBE84D02]]

[app:24]( 18:58:03.195[debug]( Integration: [method:createDevice, plugNo:01, device:[dni:1027F5AA697C01, ip:, port:9999, type:Kasa Plug Switch, rssi:-42, feature:TIM, model:KP303, alias:Bed Speaker, deviceId:80060365AEB3D58525D12C829AF7CCBE1EEBE84D, plugNo:01, plugId:80060365AEB3D58525D12C829AF7CCBE1EEBE84D01]]

[app:24]( 18:58:03.192[debug]( Integration: [method:createDevice, plugNo:00, device:[dni:1027F5AA697C00, ip:, port:9999, type:Kasa Plug Switch, rssi:-42, feature:TIM, model:KP303, alias:Bed Fire TV, deviceId:80060365AEB3D58525D12C829AF7CCBE1EEBE84D, plugNo:00, plugId:80060365AEB3D58525D12C829AF7CCBE1EEBE84D00]]

This indicates that all your devices are NOT on the same wifi segment as your hub.???? See note above.

You can remove any devices using the remove button at the bottom of the Device's edit page. I will investigate why this function is not working properly.

Totally unnecessary.


FWIW, I do the same thing and have two Kasa plugs I use for holiday lights. When not in use I just disable those device (not delete). So they are always in my device list. They have a reserved IP on the router.

This year I just enabled the devices in the device list and plugged them in. After a few minutes I activated my rule that was sitting dormant and it worked straight out of the gate.


Hi there,

My home network topology is flat - ( with the hub on and all the Kasa devices are in the same Class C subnet with address reservations in DHCP on the router for the hub and all Kasa devices.

Since my last mail - I restarted the hub again and the devices somehow became visible in the 'Remove' dropdown list before and after below). Manually deleting the problematic xmas tree device (previously discovered, but not appearing in the device list) and then rediscovering and adding it fixed the problem,

Still no luck with a manual LAN discovery, and the logs shows the below.

I am using the community app, BUT I installed the built in app in parallel as a test and the LAN discovery worked - I uninstalled the built in app because of a concern that it could possibly duplicate devices / break a number of existing rules though.

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Apologies for voicing my frustration, and I appreciate your help.

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