Tips on reducing battery drain for IKEA Fyrtur Blinds paired with HE?

It is interesting. In actual practice, I've been getting 4-6 months between recharges (with one up/down cycle per day). I've never really paid much attention to the battery reports.

As a test, I put a freshly recharged battery on a test shade (with a broken motor, so it actually never does any motion) and was surprised how quickly the battery level declines - 23% in two days. But again .. is this actually indicative of battery life.

I'd wager some of the discrepancies are firmware related. There's been a number of firmware updates for all their shades to "optimize battery"

For me, I purchased my IKEA Fyrtur blinds in Jan 2022, so they probably are using firmware version 2.3.088 (estimating from IKEA's firmware release notes).

Running your version of the driver with my modifications, the battery level has dropped from 100% to 98% in 8 days.

So this is interesting: I also purchased my blinds around the same time (mine arrived early Feb'22), also using the same driver, also C7 hub, but I don't have the battery drain issue. I think in 16 months I only had to recharge the battery 3, maybe 4 times, with your typical twice-a-day usage.
Mine is actually on even older firmware:

endpointId: 01
application: 22
firmwareMT: 117C-1187-22009631
inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0004,0005,0020,0102,1000
manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
model: FYRTUR block-out roller blind
outClusters: 0019,1000
softwareBuild: 2.2.009

The interesting part is that your device also reports a "switch: on" event every 10 minutes, and mine doesn't. Could that be contributing to poor battery life?
I wonder if it makes a difference what driver was being used when the device was joining the network, as I believe some zigbee parameters can only be changed during pairing, at least that's the case with sensors.


Though clicking the configure command on properly built drivers should set the relevant reporting parameters to something more appropriate to Hubitats environment.

The original driver by a4refillpad configures the IKEA blind device to report status every 10 minutes, and I do believe this is causing the battery drain on my specific blind (I can't comment on anyone else's blinds).

Note, that when you switch drivers you need to click the "Configure" button in the driver settings so that the driver will re-configure the device appropriately. If you forget to click the configure button, I believe the device will still be configure for the previous driver.

For comparison, here is the info from the first IKEA blind I purchased 10/31/2020

Is the IKEA gateway required to update the firmware or is there another way?

I believe the change that actually helped in your situation, is the 600 -> 86400 for the ATTRIBUTE_POSITION_LIFT. You could leave the rest of the configureReporting the same, and it would still help.

Those are just crazy levels of drain that i don't see on any of my blinds. All mine last for months with daily use. I'm happy to adjust reporting but I absolutely cannot reproduce your findings re drain.

All my shades last for months as well as long as I’m using real world “Is the shade operating” as the measure. In my test case the reported battery readings are dramatic. I mean .. it's absolutely crazy and continues to report lower and lower numbers ..

For what it's worth, all my shades are at 117C-1187-22009631. [Update: Two are actually 117C-1187-23088631]

Hubitat reports this as my IKEA blind firmware:


Whatever the case, the change I made to the zigbee device reporting intervals seems to have fixed my battery drain issue. It's been 10 days now and the battery has dropped only 2%.

I erred when I said all mine were the same. Two of mine are 117C-1187-23088631 and their battery reporting is significantly different.

That seems to be an important question now. Wish I knew of a different way. See How to apply firmware update to Ikea FYRTUR blinds? - :gear: Custom Apps and Drivers - Hubitat

It seems the only way to update the firmware is to use the ikea Dirigera Hub, which in the US costs $70 USD. For me with only having one blind, it's not worth paying $70 to update the firmware.

They can also be upgraded using Home Assistant, but you'll need a USB ZigBee dongle and machine you can load it on.

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I agree and I have 12 blinds that seem to be working correctly.

My solution to the battery drain problem:

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