def t = timeTodayAfter(new Date(), time.format("HH:mm", getTimeZone()), getTimeZone())
but I get an exception :
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_app_alyc100_Neato__Connect__129.timeTodayAfter() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.Date, java.lang.String, sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo) values: [Sun Mar 21 23:30:10 MSK 2021, 00:01, sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Europe/Moscow",offset=10800000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=79,lastRule=null]] on line 1264 (updated)
here , it seems like I am using it with correct parameters:
Gets a Date object for the specified input that is guaranteed to be after the specified starting date.
Date timeTodayAfter(String startTimeString, String timeString [, TimeZone timeZone])
StringstartTimeString - The time for which the returned date must be after. Can be an ISO-8601 date string as returned from time input preferences, or a simple time string in "hh:mm" format (β21:34β).
StringtimeString - The time string to get the date object for. Can be an ISO-8601 date string as returned from time input preferences, or a simple time string in "hh:mm" format (β21:34β).
TimeZonetimeZone(optional) - The time zone used for determining the current date and time.
Many of the methods are similar to the Classic ST methods, so if I have a question that isnβt answered by the Hubitat documentation, I pull those up (I may/or may not have made a local copy some years ago); many times a quick Google search for the method will bring up the ST Classic documentation.