Time event without schedule


I’m posting this on the Webcore Hubitat forums as I haven’t received a response in the older Webcore forums. Two other community members and I are experiencing the following message on several of our pistons, in the log:

“Time event without schedule 1726566945703”

Original posted issue

One of many Examples piston

One of many Examples Log

If anyone could offer some guidance or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

@harmony7, thanks for the reply!

I don’t believe this is an Alexa issue for several reasons:

  1. I’ve noticed the issue with pistons that don’t involve Alexa.
  2. The piston hasn’t triggered on its own without my input, as I would have seen lights turning on, etc., without requesting it.
  3. The piston is four years old and has never failed before.
  4. As mentioned, two other users are experiencing this issue, and Alexa doesn’t seem to be involved in their cases either.
  5. I do not have any Alexa Hunches set up.

This problem only started occurring in the past week or two, which coincides with the recent Hubitat updates, as far as I can tell.

Just to clarify, I’m not using the "built-in app" — I’m using the community version. However, it has been rock-solid for years, with only a few minor updates to add lights, etc.

@nh.schottfam, do you have any insights you could share?

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can you post larger images - I cannot read or keep clarity when I expand the image size

You can put me on this list as well.

Same behavior here as well as described by @DGBQ. What I notived, the piston doesn't really fire. Lights will not turned off as expected. Piston worked really well for a long time without any changes. I even use the community version of webCoRE.

Update: I just put this piston into edit mode and saved without any changes. Now I don't get any "time event without schedule...." messages and the piston started working again.

In my eyes just a workaround but no solution.


So things are working properly other than seeing this message in the logs?

Just want to be sure I know overall what you are experiencing.

As long as I saw this message the piston didn't work as expected.

Now when I don't get the message, after saving without any changes, all works fine.

saving was likely equivalent to pause/resume...

If someone else is seeing this do try a pause/resume on the piston.

I do want to understand if it is just a logging problem or something else.

I tried this

and I am still is getting this

I pushed an update to the user install version if you want to try it out.


Thanks for the fix! I ran the first test last night, and there were no log messages. I'll run a few more tests over the weekend and let you know if the issue reappears.


I know my question is a bit sidetracked sorry for that.

Haven't updated webCoRE in a long time. Can we use HPM now to do so or do we still have to go the somewhat painful way to do all the steps by hand. I'm on a C7?

Would like to update and to test as well.


if you are on current HE firmware versions, HPM should work fine

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I've tested this over the past three days, and everything appears to be resolved. Thank you for your help!

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