Thoughts on the great contact sensor NO/NC debate

I see so many posts where users want contact sensors to report open when closed and vice versa so colors and words match desired condition. As I do myself sometimes with the electrical circuits I'm monitoring and triggering ecolink d/w sensors with and the relay I'm using doesn't give me an NO/NC option itself (like the new z00z zac98 dumb relay does).

So, this seems so easy to do that I'm tempted to write my own "generic z-wave contact sensor" driver so I can set sensor Type NO or NC. If I had the z-wave code, I could do it in a day. Thoughts?

I’ve done this recently (updated an existing Ecolink driver with this option):

To import directly to a new driver:

Be aware however that I don’t consider myself a developer, so the code may not be the best… It does however seem to work.