This is to continue a thread from FB Hubitat group re setting up Portainer with Docker on a Raspberry Pi

@jtp10181 hope I’m doing this properly

For anyone reading this I posted in the HE FB group asking about setting up Raspberry Pi to be able to use echo speaks without Heroku.
I managed to get my pi updated and figured out how to load Docker (something I know nothing about). I then am trying to load Portainer as well since it was mentioned it would make things easier. I have reached the point that Portainer is somewhat set up but still need to connect it to Docker. Adding some screens for reference.
I’m confused which commands to use. Are the “ “ part of the command?

*You may need to log in as root or start these commands with sudo

You already created a portainer container so first do this to remove it
docker rm portainer

Not sure if you created the named volume or not? Run this if not
docker volume create portainer_data

Then to start portainer using the full string from the docs (this is all one command)
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest

Same command shown without the line wrap:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest

That should give it access to the docker.sock and a persistent data volume so your settings wont be lost if you have to reinstall portainer at a later date.

*Source: Install Portainer CE with Docker on Linux - Portainer Documentation

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Then once you are in portainer you may need to setup the Environment


From there you can create a stack for Echo-Speaks as outlined in my other guide.

If you are still struggling with Portainer, we can probably at least get ES running with a one line docker command. I will just have to look up how to make it build the image for arm64. My guide has the command needed but I think it may only work if you have amd64 system.

Non-portainer single command to install the container (this may fail and will need to have a command to build the image as I mentioned above). Do NOT use this if you want to use portainer!

docker run \
  --network host \
  --name echo-speaks-server \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -d tonesto7/echo-speaks-server
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i followed your instructions. removed portioner, did the first command then the second one and got this message. oops i just realized you gave me the command 2x, first with wrap then w/o wrap

yea, i got it

Looks like both of those "Environments" are pointing to the same thing, you could probably remove one to avoid confusion.

From there click on the environment to open it up. Here is the instructions from my guide with a modified config to account for the RPi needing to build the image.

  • Select: Stacks >> +Add Stack
  • Name the new stack: echo-speaks-server
  • Web Editor paste in the yaml config below:
version: "3"
    container_name: echo-speaks-server
    # Build image for non-amd64 systems
    restart: unless-stopped
    # Network mode host allows IP to be automatically detected
    # Windows MUST change from host to bridge mode and set IP in settings below
    network_mode: host
    #network_mode: bridge
    # Port mappings are ignored with host mode
      - 8091:8091   # WebUI must match PORT below
    # Set environment variables
      - useHeroku=false
      - hubPlatform=Hubitat

      #### UNCOMMENT Options to use them (remove the # and keep the -) ####
      ## Host IP Address Override if needed
      ## MUST Uncomment next line and set IP when using network_mode: bridge
      #- ipAddress=192.168.1.XXX

      ## Change WebUI Port if needed
      #- PORT=8091

      ## Set callback URL here if you want
      #- appCallbackUrl=

      ## Set amazon domain and locale if need to change from default
      #- regionLocale=en-US

    # Keeps login and session if re-deployed
      - data:/root
  data: {}