
Hub C7 running

I use two ThirdReality Power Meter Plugs for a laundry rule. The one for the washing machine has been fine, but the one for the gas dryer gets stuck about 200 watts even though the dryer is off. I have to refresh it through the app then the power drops to 0.

I have replaced the plug with another from the same package. This is the log from the second one.
Hopefully this log will shed some light on the issue. It’s Greek to me.

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:58.124 PMinfopower was set to 249.0W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:58.123 PMdebugisDelta(value: 240.1, previousValue: 249.0, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:58.120 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x050B (value 09BA)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:53.152 PMinfopower was set to 240.1W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:53.150 PMdebugisDelta(value: 246.7, previousValue: 240.1, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:53.142 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x050B (value 0961)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:53.136 PMinfoamperage was set to 4.0A

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:53.134 PMdebugisDelta(value: 4.1, previousValue: 4.0, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:53.132 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x0508 (value 0FAE)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:48.149 PMinfopower was set to 246.7W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:48.148 PMdebugisDelta(value: 253.4, previousValue: 246.7, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:48.145 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x050B (value 09A3)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:48.135 PMdebugisDelta(value: 4.1, previousValue: 4.1, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:48.132 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x0508 (value 0FD7)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:43.159 PMinfopower was set to 253.4W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:43.157 PMdebugisDelta(value: 248.2, previousValue: 253.4, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:43.120 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x050B (value 09E6)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:28.154 PMinfopower was set to 248.2W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:28.153 PMdebugisDelta(value: 257.3, previousValue: 248.2, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:28.150 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x050B (value 09B2)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:28.134 PMdebugisDelta(value: 4.1, previousValue: 4.1, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:28.131 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x0508 (value 1003)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:18.124 PMinfopower was set to 257.3W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:18.122 PMdebugisDelta(value: 244.7, previousValue: 257.3, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:18.119 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x050B (value 0A0D)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:16.573 PMwarnDryer zigbee read reporting config error: Not Found [8B, 00, 00, 00]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:16.420 PMwarnDryer zigbee read reporting config error: Not Found [8B, 00, 00, 03]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:16.182 PMwarnDryer zigbee read reporting config error: Not Found [8B, 00, 05, 05]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.926 PMwarnDryer zigbee read reporting config error: Not Found [8B, 00, 08, 05]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.783 PMwarnDryer zigbee read reporting config error: Not Found [8B, 00, 0B, 05]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.493 PMinfoDryer zigbee reporting configuration [attribute: 0x0000, dataType: 16, minReportingInterval: 0, maxReportingInterval: 3600, reportableChange: null]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.490 PMtraceDryer zigbee read reporting config: Success [00, 00, 00, 00, 10, 00, 00, 10, 0E]

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.351 PMdebugisDelta(value: null, previousValue: 1.0, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.348 PMtraceDryer zigbee received METERING_CLUSTER message attribute 0x0000 (value 000000365C33)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.154 PMinfopower was set to 244.7W

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.152 PMdebugisDelta(value: null, previousValue: 244.7, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.147 PMinfovoltage was set to 118V

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.145 PMdebugisDelta(value: null, previousValue: 118, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.108 PMdebugisDelta(value: null, previousValue: 4.1, minimumChange: null) = true

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:15.104 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER message attribute 0x0300 (value 003C)

dev:24912024-06-02 02:25:14.864 PMtraceDryer zigbee received ON_OFF_CLUSTER message attribute 0x0000 (value 01)

Again, this is the second one to do this...

Which driver are you using?
Also, have you checked for firmware updates? (it happens that the same devices from one and the same batch to been shipped with different firmware versions).

I am using the ‘Third Reality Power Meter Plug’ driver

Updating firmware now.


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All 4 have been updated. We don’t do massive amounts of laundry until the weekend so I won’t know if the firmware update corrected the issue.

I've had this same issue as well and had updated to the new firmware a couple weeks ago. Doesn't seem to have fixed mine (just realized it was stuck). I'm going to do a force reset on these plugs a few times a day.

What is the second parameter drawn in dark color on the same graph?

There's just one line on the graph, I just have hue set in grafana.

here's just a plain line:

(this is the same graph - the scale / size is just different between the screenshots)

OK, the graph shows that the TR plug has stopped reporting the power measurements since 05/03 ?

Correct. I hit refresh and it's reporting again properly.

I can suggest trying one of the community drivers that work with ThirdReality power monitoring plugs and provide automatic refresh and checking of the device online/offline status. This 'freezing' problem may be a TR firmware bug, but the healthStatis checking driver will mitigate the problem.

One of drivers that work with TR plugs is this one :

Thanks - I've been using Jonathan's driver, which has worked well. His driver does a regular ping() and when it stopped reporting previously, healthStatus would change to offline, but with the most recent firmware, that doesn't seem to be the case. It would drop offline about every 2-3 weeks, but an on/off command would generally recover it.

I most often have the issue with one device (on a wine fridge) which tends to have frequent wattage changes. I think it's a firmware issue.

I suppose that the wine fridge uses a compressor for the chilling system?
Then, it may be a lockup that happens because of the high inductive currents that often flow when the motor starts and stops... You may need some AC filter between the fridge and the plug, or better use for this particular application a plug from another brand, that has a better noise protection circuits built in ..

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That's fair - I'll have to look into it, I know Zooz has some heavy duty plugs. I have these TR plugs on a couple other fridges, and my plan longer term is to do ML over the historical data so I can detect a failing compressor, etc.

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