Third reality leak sensor - Activity / watchdog apps

Just picked up a third reality leak sensor because of so many good reviews.

But it doesn't report anything frequently enough to keep it out of my activity check reports that I use to determine if a device fell off the network.

Does anyone have a workaround for this? If it's constantly in my list as a dead device, I'm going to have a hard time trusting it.

I know it's still on the network because the last zigbee message time in zigbee details.

It doesn't report battery levels at a regular interval? Usually the system drivers will force the event to post for battery events (isStateChange:true), which updates the Last Activity. Even if not forced as a state change, even just sending the event to the hub would update it. I really despise drivers that filter out events. Filtering logging makes sense to avoid duplicates, but valid events should always be sent. The hub takes care of duplicated events on its own.

If you could get debug logging stuck on you might be able to see more of the messages coming in. Turn on debug logging, then switch to the "Device" driver and delete the scheduled jobs, then switch back to normal driver but DO NOT press save preferences again or it will set the timer again for debug logging.

One of these days I am going to figure out how to make Zigbee drivers...

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What are your expectations? Looking at my leak sensors (none of which is Third Reality), it appears they report battery once every 4 to 24 hours.

I've got four ThirdReality leak sensors and they generally report back to the hub AT LEAST daily. I did have one that went radio silent for 2-3 days once so I replaced the batteries (even though they ostensibly didn't need it) and it's been fine since. I've had them all on a 24 hour device activity check for a year+ and that's the only issue I've had.

Is there anything near where you've placed yours that might interfere with the signal?

These sensors report regularly. Interesting enough, they are also always listening; you can request a refresh and or firmware update any time.

One interesting way to check them without pulling them out of hiding: Change the driver to a generic zigbee switch and send an on command; you'll force it to beep. Off will stop it. Don't forget to put it back to a leak sensor afterwards.

Fun stuff aside, look for that app called Device Watchdog and set an alert when they haven't checked in for a while.

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Two suggestions here (I don't have one of these devices, so I can't test these):

  1. Device Activity Check has a way to call "Refresh" before testing. Perhaps that will wake up the device.
  2. @kkossev (thank you!) made up a driver to change zigbee reporting intervals (which I use on some contact sensors). Note: this works only if the device responds to these commands. Not sure if these water sensors will.
    Can someone who has these water sensors try both these approaches and let us know if they work?

One idea I didn't see above: hit "Configure" on the device detail page for this device (to run that command in the driver) to see if that changes anything, especially if you or others have identical sensors that do report more frequently.

An alternative: increase the inactivity threshold in Device Activity Check. ("Refresh" might also work if you absolutely can't do this for some reason, but I'm not normally a fan of that approach.)

I'm not sure if others actually find this easier -- and the above still works -- but FWIW, my new favorite approach for this is going to Logs > Scheduled Jobs, then deleting the "logsOff" job for the device in question (the method name may vary depending on the driver, but this is a common choice for built-in drivers and most developers would likely also call it something similar). A bit more scrolling, depending on what your apps and drivers are doing, but no driver-switching. :smiley:

I have a bunch and they do, every 12 hours, with isStateChange set to true even when reporting the same value. This is with the Generic Zigbee Moisture (no temp) driver.

Can you show the data section of the device page?

Mine are on build 22 but I notice there is new firmware available.

Interesting. I don't have any log entries for the device since pairing and testing it 3 days ago. Just checked the zigbee details page and it checked in at 4am this morning.

Currently using the built in generic leak sensor (no temp) driver.

Here are the logs after hitting refresh then configure. Note it reports battery but there is an error about configuration.

I updated the firmware from 22 to 38 (I notice you are on 34) and it hasn’t reported on the new firmware in over 24 hours… all my devices are on 22. I wonder if newer device firmware versions have a different behaviour? I’ll run some more tests.

I wish I had discovered this thread two days ago. I have seven of the Third Reality leak sensors. Previously they reported battery level incorrectly at 100%. I upgraded the firmware to 38 and they now properly report battery when it changes but no longer report on a schedule which renders device activity check useless. Any suggestions on a workaround?

If you update the firmware they will no longer report on the 12 hr interval.

Thanks, I just set my seven firmware 38 Third Reality leak sensors up in a new group and enabled the "Refresh" option. I'll comment back in a couple of days to advise whether or not that solves the device activity check fail.

@mike.maxwell fyi… had you heard anything to that effect from TR?

There is supposed to be a way to adjust that setting but unfortunately TR devices typically accept the settings and then do not actually follow them and do whatever they want :frowning: Had. Similar issue with the temp sensor, it sends reports like every 0.5 degrees and refuses to do anything different.

They have decent devices they just really need a better firmware developer.


It’s not the Chinese software developer fault- it is entirely the TR product management failure to understand the market needs and take the necessary actions and to communicate properly.


True, it could just be that they are not asking the developer for the correct things to be fixed / added.

So is the general consensus with mine being on older *.34 firmware, it should be reporting battery every X hours?

It reported this morning right after I hit configure. Guess I'll let it sit and see if it decides to report. If not, I guess I can return it.

An alternative approach could be to spend $30 more and see how it works via their Matter Bridge :

The older firmware reported every 12 hours.