Thingshield replacement for arduino over zigbee now available for hubitat

My planned projects moved to the back burner, but now I am second-guessing my carrier board design. Some pins/headers might have been good to socket these modules. I want no part of de-soldering 24 castellated holes (at least with my home tools).

The issue is the castellated contacts are on 0.05" centers. But in reality I really did not handle these two devices properly (and I know better). I don't have a lot of bench space and it shares electronic use and regular construction use. I have two more devices in use for a number of years with no issues. I wouldn't worry about this if I were you.
My situation was kind of like a perfect storm:

  • Two different boards had been working and not not
  • I have changed from C7 to C8

Oh and those that I'm using are solid performers, never had one drop off of have any other issues.


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Hi @haas
You mention in the guide “By default the digital inputs are pulled up to 3.3V with a 20 kOhm resistor”.
Just not clear - is that resistor on the MonaLisa board? Or do I need to do add the resistor and connection to 3.3v on the signal line?

Hi, it's internal to the cc2530 chip, and controllable by software.

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@haas I am fairly new to HE and have been looking for some simple options to support Zigbee development. I happened across this thread. I wasn't sure from reading if this software is universal or strictly for your developed board. I also wasn't sure if this board was still available. Is this still something available to folks if they ask?

Assuming this board wasn't simple to source I went looking for alternatives and found this kind of thing on AE. Not sure if there is any compatibility.


The software (firmware) is for the the cc2530 chip. So in that sense it's universal. But you need the ability to program the chip with said firmware, which requires the debug programming pins of the chip to be accessible. As far as i can see, that is not true for the AE model you show.
And the other input and output pins should be accessible also, for attaching devices, or connecting to an Arduino.
And it's nice to power from usb.
Those things are all ready to go with the MonaLisa module.
It is still available. Search for "MonaLisa Zigbee" on eBay!

Great. Thanks for the speedy reply. Cool stuff. Looking at how light weight it can get with a radar module like an LD2450 from HiLink.

Hi @haas
In the Mona Lisa Guide it mentions the adcdiff command. Then in the device page for Mona Lisa on HE, there is a setting for "Analog Input Deadband in counts". As this command/setting for the same parameter? And it applies to all 4 pins?

I believe that's correct!

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