"They" just got Android Auto Integration

Perhaps for Maps, but have you tried a phone call or music app? Those depend on a Bluetooth connection.

Yes in case it's not clear what I mean is I have to actually choose to connect it for it to work, but The important part is it doesn't auto connect. Since it's still paired I can connect it any time.

The pita part of it is that each time before you turn off the car you have to turn off the audio and call connections in the Bluetooth settings for that pairing.

And my example is for simple Bluetooth pairing, I'm not talking specifically about Android Auto and whatever other connections it may need to initiate.

So I don't know if what I found out is generally applicable to Android Auto.

How inconvenient is it that Android Auto doesn't show up as a normal app in the list of apps. There is no excuse to have to into settings to change something that should be simple to configure. Android Auto still needs a lot of work, IMO.

If I know Google they have decided to sunset AA and are working on its replacement, so their bleeding off the AA team members. :wink:

Wasn't there an announcement about that not long ago? They seem to be old yellering a lot of programs at the moment, making some people think they might be in some sort of trouble..
Bluetooth does tend to try and make connections with anything within range, whether you want it to or not , in some older smartphones you could set priority quite easily - but that OS was too complicated...

Google has a long history of killing off various services. They have not made such an announcement for Android Auto.

They’re certainly not immune to the recent tech industry downturn that’s resulted in layoffs there and at many other companies.

But I think it’s a stretch to infer Google or its parent company, Alphabet, are “in trouble.”

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It isn't a normal app that you can open and use on the phone, so why should it consume space in the UI by showing up as one? It is listed, as I pointed out, under Apps in settings.

You're just deflecting from the fact that you don't understand how to work your phone. Really, if you dislike it so much, disable it, set "Start Android Auto automatically" to "if used on last drive", or forget the cars you don't want to use it in and disable "Add new cars to AA". You have real options rather than complaining.

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I just added it to HD+

#shameless-plug :wink:


And can confirm that at least with Proton VPN you can split tunnel. Just find the SYSTEM app android autu and exclude it. It is not a normal app, at least not in proton.