Thermostatic Radiator Valve - Recommendations

Dear Community,

I'm new to this forum, new to home automation & general - this is my first post. A small intro: I'm an engineer in northern Germany, have an old house with a big garden & small children. I am not looking for a new hobby but for a solution that works reliably without too much hassle.

After purchasing the euro version of hubitat I am trying to decide which protocol to use. We live in a big old house with thick walls so I don’t want to build two meshes. There appear to be ample devices for nearly all tasks but for the control of heater radiators. So I guess the TRV will drive my decision.

I found only the following three and would be thankful for some advice:

  1. The bang bang controller driven by mains power as developed by @djh_wolf is certainly a cool hack. Cudos!
    I would like to have the ramps a thermostat provides & cannot conveniently bring mains to the radiators. So this one is not for me.
  2. Fibaro FIBEFGT-001 is mentioned as supported device out-of-the-box. I find it expensive and have read somewhere online that the firmware has been updated & am thus not sure of 100% compatibility.
  3. @mark.cockcroft, @psyvision & others have worked on a custom driver for the Tuya Zigbee TRV. After what I've read they certainly deserve praise for the effort invested & their results. To me this appears as a relatively inexpensive solution. Searching online I remained uncertain on which device to exactly order. I'm worried I'll pick the almost but not exactly right one and thus waste time & money. I'm also (probably incorrectly) concerned that my girls adjusting the thermostat manually might not be handled gracefully in the end.

Additionally, after the heating season, I would like to smarten-up the controller of our wall heating (basically a vertical floor heating). I've found only a Z-Wave controller: Heatit Z-Water - Heatit

Sorry for the long text. I spent quite some time reading and searching without coming to a clear conclusion. I hope one of the old hands in this domain can help me with some advice.

Thanks already for taking the time to read this & kind regards,


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I found moeshouse TRV's to work great, however the only criticism is that the touch screen is a bit faffy. So if you want to quickly turn the valve up or down, it can be a bit tricky. Not ideal for the kids and definitely not ideal for my wife. I've been searching for a valve which can be rotated like a conventional TRV but to no avail. Alternatively a TRV with a good touch screen. So, I'd recommend the Moe's House TRV but I'm looking for better. Any advice word also be welcomed!GBP!£22.19!£15.53!!!!!%40211b446316717542279363555e53ce!12000020658793934!btf&_t=pvid%3Ac7a131d5-eaec-4d10-9166-270db1f00a57&afTraceInfo=1005002438708398__msite__c_ppc_item_bridge__xxxxxx__1671754228&spm=a2g0n.ppclist.product.3&gatewayAdapt=gloPc2nldMsite

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Thanks @stueyhughes , your feedback is appreciated.

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