hi all, I usually buy something then try make it work, this time im looking for advice on what to buy, id just like to know what my options are for ZigBee \ zwave radiator heads, I don't mind a smart head with a separate thermostat in the room but im looking tobe able to control several radiators in various rooms, my plan is to instal a smart head, then a thermostat in each room and when the room falls outside of a certain temp it opens the valve, I have currently got a euronics z wave head that I have connected and is on my dashboard it just doesn't really do anything!
so the system would be:
radiator heads told to open close with the thermostat
thermostats to set the room temp and also send to a relay mounted to the boiler to call for heat
relay in the boiler to call for heat
if anyone has this please let me know what you have and how its working for you, if anyone has ideas/knowledge for my options please let me know, my preference is to have this directly connected to HE
Hello Glyn.2009
I just bought:
from https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B091CVG78J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I work on this for a few days.
Until now I found: Zonnsmart Thermostatic Radiator Valve (TV01-ZG) Zigbee compatibility
My device is TS0601,
I'll keep you posted on developments.
how did you get on with these ?
I use 3 Eurotronic thermostats for a third winter season now and they still work for me. Yes. they are not perfect and have some problems - the most annoying being that the Eurotronic thermostats tend to lose the valve calibration rather quickly, but there are workarounds for this. Their performance is still like shown on these graphs: eTRV Aeotec Radiator Thermostat and Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave Thermostats - #103 by kkossev
What were exactly the problems with Eurotronic Z-wave ?
i didn't use those ones, i used a random z wave one- it just wasn't at all accurate and also kept falling off the system
i have now moved to an actuator head/zigbee relay/ zigbee temp sensor and also some zigbee relays to turn the boiler onto heat, this has worked really well because i can choose a temp for each room and when the temp falls it just turns the boiler on and heats that room only,
originally i used the sonoff temp sensor because it was cheap, but they kept falling off the network and also reporting at really random intervals which were too long apart, i have a hue motion sensor in almost every room which gives really accurate temp and also reports every .25 degrees of change - this has been ruining for almost two years now, now gas usage is down by 1/3 obviously my actuators have wires so this is my only drawback! i would like a thermostat with a dial for each room but i haven't actually found one available ! i'm going to use the graph app you've used as i didn't know it even existed !