Thermostat Scheduler

I wish to have my thermostat run on a day/time schedule when in Home Mode and to hold at 58 degrees when in Away Mode. Do I need to establish rules to do this or should the Thermostat Scheduler App handle this automatically?

If you scroll down on the Thermostat Scheduler App and select, " Set heat/cool schedule based on days and times" you will have at the top an option to "Use setpoints for away." Set your away temperatures here. Then set it up for your day/time/mode schedule below that.

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I have tried this and have written rules to do this seemingly basic need but nothing works for me. i have now spent hours on this. Guess I need to go through support

When you say you have written rules, are you trying to use the rules machine or the thermostat scheduler app?

This is what I'm trying to do. My take is that since it is an app that the thermostat would run on its schedule when the mode is home, and use heat 58 when away. It seems that I should have to do nothing but assure that the proper mode is enabled depending on presence. This does not work. Consequentially I started righting rules to tell the thermostat scheduler what to do and when to do it but realized that I am replacing the app with my rules. It does not often go to 58 when I am away and when I return it usually waits until the next time-based event after my arrival to turn the heat up. At times, when it does go into away/hold mode it returns to its schedule upon the next time event. I just spent a week and a half in a time zone 10 and a half hourd ahaed of my home time zone with nothing working correctly and the heat on most of the time because I couldn't keep up with turning it down several times a day and work and sleep. To top it off the batteries in my keypad died because the keypad lights never shut off and the cat feeder set the alarm off every day and couldn't turn it off. Of course, this happened in the middle of the night where I was, so my trial run for my new HE system was a total failure. As it is at this moment it is 9:30pm but my thermostat is in it's 10:00pm to 4:00am mode. Sorry for all this but I felt an explanation of my level of frustration was due.

This is my setup:Temp_Settings
I have not tried to set as many different times as you have since when we are home, we want the place to be comfortable. When I have checked, the Away settings are working. What are you using for a presence detector? You have to have some way to let Hubitat know you are away. We use Iris gen 2 Smart Fobs. Some other presence detector would work also.

I have decided to set 2 rules. First sets mode to home when HSM is disarmed, second sets mode to away when HSM is armed. This way it will run when I am away and someone else is in the house. I also use Life 360 with my phone as a presence sensor for myself. (Thanks for all of your input BTW)

Well, I've reached the end of my experience and ability to help. Hopefully, someone else will suggest something to help.

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I deleted the Scheduler app and my Modes and set them up again from scratch. It seems to be working now.

Great! I'm glad you got them working.

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